Problem Saving Harmony Arpeggio Settings In a Registration

Started by Reg, Feb 26, 2019, 10:47 PM

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  When I try to save harmony  arpeggio settings on button 2 of a registration but not one button 1,  both buttons end up saving the setting.  I check the box  when I memorize #2 and do not check it for  #1.   I save the reg, but when I select 2 then go back to 1, it selects harmony arpeggio as well.   I have attempted this a number of times and end up with the same results. Hopefully some one can help.  Thank you. Reg


Quote from: Reg on Feb 26, 2019, 10:47 PM
...I check the box  when I memorize #2 and do not check it for  #1.

That's the issue, right there.  If something is not memorized in the registration, switching the registration won't change it.  So, you turn on harmony appregio with Reg #2, and when you switch to #1, it stays on.  But, for example, if you had a Reg#3 memorized with harmony appregio turned off, it would stay off when you switched to Reg #1.  Clear as mud?

So, if you don't want harmony/appregio on in Registration #1, you need to check that box, and memorize it that way.

Current Projects:
Providing the instrumental music for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Singing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)


Thank you Adam.   Yes, it's  "CLEAR AS MUD."    This is really  frustrating.  Surely Yamaha should correct this confusion. Without elaborating further there must be a simpler solution. So, if I understand correctly, adding a setting to #3 will accomplish what I want in #1 ?   Your response is appreciated.  Cheers, Reg


No. You must tick 'harmony' when saving #1, with harmony switched off the time. This will program #1 to explicitly turn off the harmony when you select it.

If you don't do that, selecting #1 will not alter the harmony setting. If harmony was on, it stays on. If it was off, it stays off.

Fred Smith

Quote from: Reg on Feb 26, 2019, 10:47 PM
  When I try to save harmony  arpeggio settings on button 2 of a registration but not one button 1,  both buttons end up saving the setting.  I check the box  when I memorize #2 and do not check it for  #1.   I save the reg, but when I select 2 then go back to 1, it selects harmony arpeggio as well.   I have attempted this a number of times and end up with the same results. Hopefully some one can help.  Thank you. Reg


What you're saying is not correct.

When you check Harmony when memorizing a registration, that reg will set the harmony the way you want.
When you don't check Harmony, then the reg will make no changes to the harmony setting.

So it's not that reg 1 is "selecting" arpeggio harmony, it's that it's making no changes to the harmony setting currently in effect.

In fact, you want reg 1 to do something. You want it to turn off harmony.

All you need to do is check Harmony when memorizing reg 1, but ensure that the harmony button is off when you do so.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Yes, exactly what Fred and Derek are saying.

In simplest form, make sure harmony is off.  Make sure Harmony IS checked in the save dialog.  Save Registration #1.

Maybe think of it this way.  If the Harmony box is checked,  The Registration saves the on/off state of the harmony/appregio.  If it is saved as 'on', the Registration also saves WHICH harmony/appregio is set.  Pushing Reg #1 Turns on the harmony, and sets the type.  If it is saved as 'off', pushing the reg #1 button will turn off the Harmony/appregio.  If the harmony button is not checked, Pushing Reg #1 will not change the harmony/appregio in any way.

I actually use this for my church music.  I use the text pages to display the lyrics through a projector on to the wall.  I save the verses as Reg#1, 2, 3, ext.  I always use Reg #8 for the refrain.  I find that most of the hymns have room for a verse and the refrain on one text page.  So each of the verse Registrations have a text page saved to them with the verse and refrain.  Reg #8, I don't check the text box, so it continues to display whatever text was already displayed.  I then sequence the registrations as 1,8,2,8,3,8,10. So on the projector, I get:

Reg #1 -- Checked text box -- displays Verse 1, and refrain.
Reg #8 -- Not checked -- continues to display Verse 1 and refrain.
Reg #2 -- Checked text box -- displays Verse 2, and refrain.
Reg #8 -- Not checked -- continues to display Verse 2, and refrain.
Reg #3 -- Checked text box -- displays Verse 3, and refrain.
Reg #8 -- Not checked -- continues to display Verse 3, and refrain.
Reg #10 -- Checked text box -- displays blank text file.

I hope that helps, and wasn't too long winded.

Current Projects:
Providing the instrumental music for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Singing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)


  Derek,Fred and Adam: Thank you for your great feedback.  Your contributions are much appreciated.   I can  now check off another problem on  my Genos bucket list.
Regards, Reg


You're welcome, Reg.

Glad I could be of some help!

Current Projects:
Providing the instrumental music for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Writing Sequel to my novel, "Megin's Clay" (by Adam Parker)
Playing and Singing for Saint James Major Catholic Church (Sharbot Lake)