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Style editor question

Started by chopoland, Feb 07, 2019, 05:10 AM

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Hello again:

I have a question when it comes to making small changes in a style.

As much as I look, only see the possibility to see the "rhythm2" keys in the "edit" tab. Is it possible to see the rest of the parts? "rhythm2", "bass"...



It's a little unintuitive.

On the 'BASIC' page. press REC CH (F) plus one of the buttons below the screen to select the channel as the recording target. The display will show REC under that channel. Now when you tab back over to EDIT, it will show the events for that channel.

It defaults to RHY2 as the REC target which is why that's what you see if you don't pick another one.

Preset styles are 'locked' - when you select anything other that RHY1 or RHY2, you must delete what's already there when you select for recording. So you can't edit those parts. Jorgen I think has a utility program 'style unlocker' which removes this. (Save the style to USB, run it through the program, then load it back up again on the Tyros)


Oh, thanks DerekA, it hadn't occurred to me and I was going crazy.