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Style number

Started by Bachus, Jan 28, 2019, 10:04 AM

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While inspecting the sysex messages of Genos, i saw there is a sysex for sending style nymber..

But how do i find the style number?

And when i send this sysex from my ipad, will it chang the style?

So far i haven't found any sysex messages for setlist management..
Nor for changing registries or ots..


Hi Bachus,

I don't know if you are still interested in this subject, but one easy way of obtaining the style number is to look in the Preset Style Data Lists used within Mixmaster.

Many thanks to Michael & Etienne for providing these lists.  :)

If it is of any use to you, I have made an Excel spreadsheet which converts the decimal style numbers in a MixMaster list into the relevant pair of hex values needed for the SysEx message.  If you don't have excel, it also opens in LibreOffice 6.1 without any obvious problems.

It currently has pages for Tyros4, Genos and PSR3000, but you can open any MM Style Data List and copy/paste the data to column A of the spreadsheet.  It all works from the data in column A using standard worksheet functions, so don't change anything in any other column.

Note that it simply shows the SysEx, it can't send it to the keyboard.

I usually use MIDI-OX for testing purposes to send the message to the keyboard.

I don't have a Genos to test the calculated SysEx with, but the Tyros4 messages work OK when sent.



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Hi Ian --

Thanks for making and sharing the spreadsheet.

Thank you, Michael, for making the list and maintaining it.

-- pj

