Arpeggio styles

Started by larnor, Jan 13, 2019, 05:31 AM

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Would anyone have arpeggio styles they would be willing to share. If so, I would be very grateful.     


can you give any examples ? Why don't you use arpeggio pads ?Or build them from a DAW ?

Joe H

The styles are basically made up of recorded arppegios, chord patterns and drum loops.

If you asking about what styles are programmed to use the arpeggiator, that's entirely related to the R1 Voices.  Some Voices have arps already set to use with them but the arpeggiator is by default turned Off. So... if you want to hear the arpeggiator with any particular Voice, just press the Harmony/Arp button and see what happens.

If you want to create a User Voice that will play an Arp, then open Voice Set and select an Arp then save the Voice as a User Voice to your USB drive.  I have a folder on my USB drive labeled Voices.  Inside that folder are sub-folders for different categories or Voice types.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I just tried to use multipads as style parts to see what happens.

I am talking about midi multipads like the preset pianoarrpegios multi pads for example.
The multipad has the extension of .pad so first thing was to copy the multiparty to the usb,take the usb to the pc and change the extension to .mid and saved the new file to usb.
Back to the keyboard this file plays with song creator(it is a midi now) and it has 4 channels.
Channels 1-4.
These channels are the 4 pads of the multipad.
To split them I used the Song creator and deleted the channels 2-3-4 and saved the new midi file.
Then I deleted channels 1-3-4 and saved the second midi file and so on.
So now I have the 4 pads of the multi pad in 4 different midis.

Using the midi2style program from Jørgen Sørensen I converted the midi file to a style part
(lets say chord1)
The only problem  (as usual  ;D) is to find the correct settings in style creator's parameters
(chord root,NTT,NTR and other... "hi-tech and hi music theory" stuff.)

Joe you have nice multipads so maybe we can use them as style parts too?

The problem with the usage of multipads that I have mostly, is that the time I want the multipad to play or to stop, the same time I need to change a variation and immediately change the chord,change a voice and mind about the smooth transposition of voice's effects,
so there is not a free and fast hand or a clear mind not to mess it up :(
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Joe H


1. I convert Multi Pad files to a 4 part style Main Section with StyleMagic. I first change the file extension from .pad to .mid and load into StyleMagic. Then move the 4 pads to the proper channels in Channels Manager. Now you can Autocreate CASM and everything will be correct. StyleMagic will create the proper default CASM setting for each style part / channel. Save as a simple style with only one Main Section that has 4 parts.

2. Now you can use this simple style in Style Creator Assembly to either use these new parts in another style or add more parts from different styles to create a new style. I typically will build the Main D first, then back to StyleMagic and copy Main D to the Main A, B, and C.  Now I eliminate Parts from each of the Main Sections, with Main A having the least number of Parts playing, Main B having 1 or 2 more Parts playing, and Main C another Part playing with the original Main D playing all (or the most) Parts.

Use Style Creator Assembly to copy Fill Ins from other styles or use StyleMagic to copy and paste 1 bar from a Main Section to create the Fill In.

3. Have you read my article on using Multi Pads in registrations? It explains how to build custom Multi Pads and how to use the Pad Stopper file in registrations to sync-start MPs with each registration.  The Pad Stopper file will silence any current Pad that is playing when you replace it with the Stopper file.

The article has a download with example registration files.  Just be sure you follow the setup instructions EXACTLY... otherwise the demos won't play properly.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:

Joe H

Another way to create new Multi Pads is to play the arpeggiator with R1 and record it as a MIDI file.  Now open PadMaker-Midi and load the MIDI and convert it to a Pad. You can select the start point and number of bars, as well as set the Volume, Chorus Reverb, Follows Chords and Repeat parameters. You can also change the Octave and Velocity of the notes and even edit the notes.

You can create Multi Pads from style Parts using PadMaker. I find both these utilities of Michael's very useful.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Seagull29..Joe H and panos thank you for your responses, unfortunately I am not up to speed with the tech. side of the keyboard and at 81, far too late to learn.
I have attached styles I have, which some of our members might like...I was just hoping I could get  a few more to add to my collection.

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Hello Bob,
  The above styles are part of the Piano Styles on a CVP piano.
Here are all of them

[attachment deleted by admin]


You are very welcome Bob..I always like to give back something to this wonderful forum.


Hello Eileen,

Thank you! I took the liberty of downloading the styles - they work very nicely on my trusty old T3 :-)

Thanks again and have a super week. Cheers, Roland

Toril S

Thanks Eileen. I grabbed them too :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page




   Much appreciated Eileen.  Thank you.  Bob


Thanks Eileen, I will try them on my DGX650, since they are piano styles they should work like a charm.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.