Make a multi track recording after recording a a quick record midi file

Started by motekmusic, Jan 27, 2019, 05:43 AM

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Hello again,

Many thanks to our Genos rescue teams for helping me get through this song OS  maze.
Now am at the next point which is..
I have made a midi file quick record and decided to added a few more tracks.
After trying to do this on my own and for fear that would disrupt the current file , decided to make a 911 to you folks.
I know that if i go on the website can find the instructions but just between you and me i need to have them explained in
bAby steps.   So far have been very pleased with all the help and advice in getting me to this query.
Because i could not figure out how to add M pads on the midi,, i made an audio file and put the pads on during recording.
I would rather add tracks.

Any help is appreciated...

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,
  Save your quick record song and name it. Now go back into song record and select Multi. Select your song and now you can add your extra tracks. Press the track you want to use  then on the drop down menu select R1 and  then having selected the voice you want to record on R1 record your extra part.
  Do the same for any other tracks you want to record.


Hi Eileen,

thanks for reply.

I did save the midi song and selected multi.
However, got confused where to press, up or down.   Plus on the regular yammie record OS we had to press the tracks that we wanted
to have played.    Do i press the yellow or the bottom to save the tracks i want to record... and what , or where do i press
to get that drop down menu..  I tried pressing different places and then seeing if could hear the recorded tracks when i hit "play"
No matter what i did could not get the tracks already recorded to play  and i certainly could not see menu when pressed the
pads i wanted to record..  I need a more detailed instruction.     I must be a real old dog.

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,
  When you have your song loaded in Multi Record you will see at the bottom of the screen a red circle and next to that is the start playing button and the square icon next to it which stops your song and next to that, arrows which take you back and forth. Once you set up your track for recording, then press the Start sign and add your new track where you want it. This may be at the beginning or the middle, only you will know this. When finished  Press the square button which will stop the song and take it to the beginning. You can then press play again to listen to it. If it is not right just select record on that track and redo it. When happy go onto the next one using the same procedure or just save the song if finished.


Quote from: EileenL on Jan 27, 2019, 08:06 AM
Hi Elaine,
  When you have your song loaded in Multi Record you will see at the bottom of the screen a red circle and next to that is the start playing button and the square icon next to it which stops your song and next to that, arrows which take you back and forth. Once you set up your track for recording, then press the Start sign and add your new track where you want it. This may be at the beginning or the middle, only you will know this. When finished  Press the square button which will stop the song and take it to the beginning. You can then press play again to listen to it. If it is not right just select record on that track and redo it. When happy go onto the next one using the same procedure or just save the song if finished.

Hi again

You mean It is not Necessary to go to the track page at all,, (where all the tracks are) and select any of these.   That once i start
recording the machine will intuitively select the correct track or pad area?.... Whenever i went into the multi track area a screen
came up with all the tracks.. so now don't have to see that or interact with that screen???

thanks sounds very simple and will give that a try without selecting any tracks at all.

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,
  You still have to select the track you want and set it to R1 as I explained in my first post. The last post referred to how to play and listen to it and record in the new part. To select the track you want to record on Press REC and it will then turn Red. You are now ready to record. It is the same procedure as Tyros 5 but using the screen instead of buttons.



Thanks again Eileen,

Will give it a go at another  time.   Getting a little "frustrated" at the moment so better to wait.    Am having difficulty
pressing the correct place and the correct  tracks on the record screen so maybe am not reading things correctly
In meantime rather spend time enjoying making music and midi files to be tracked at another time.
At least with the s975 can do that procedure easily.
However am grateful that so far have come a long way to  make songs, files,,, audios... transfers... etc.
Thanks again Eileen for your wonderful attention.

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,

I made some detailed instructions on how to use Midi Multi Recording.
Just give it a try and let me know if it worked.



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thanks so much Stign,

Will get it copied out on the printer and look forward to working on it later.

Am so grateful for these instructions.... lowers my blood pressure

G-d Bless

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


What has not been mentioned is if you wanted to record an instrumental track on the two empty multi pad tracks you must assign the track to right 1.2.or.3 as IK mentioned before.



Happy to report that a midi file has been successfully multi tracked.

The hangup seemed to be i was trying to duplicate the regular  add track by making sure that the current traks were in a playing
mode so added them to the record mix,,, as in the usual OS  we had to press   HOLD on the tracks we wanted to be in the mix.

As i understand the new OS,, and please validate this... that the only track needed to be TOUCHED is the new track , making
sure it is on the correct voice and either rt. left,,, etc.

The other problem was that did not know how to manage making a new recording on the current file as something went wrong.
We have to press new song again?  to get the song to play and then not save the change,,, go back to the raw file???

The D access button very helpful but my score did not indicate the chords used... How do i get the chords to show on the score.

Thanks STIGN and EILEEN... am slowly getting comfortable making song recordings... just working out a few glitches.

\\\"I have suffered for my music, now it\\\'s your turn\\\"   Neil Innes


Hi Elaine,

You're doing fine. I see you're getting the hang of the Genos OS.
Everything you want to know about Multi Recording is explained in detail in Chapter 5, on page 67 of the Genos Reference Manual.
Here's a link to the manual:  Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

To get to display the chords in the score see the picture.


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