wrong file extension

Started by ekurburski, May 24, 2019, 02:08 PM

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When downloading styles the files come up as itunes files.  I don't have or use itunes.  How do I get it to show theses styles as .sty?  Or does it even matter?


The extension of the files still remains .sty no matter what program our PC uses as a default to open .sty files.
Just the extension of .sty doesn't show on your pc.(Usually is more convinient not to show the extension of a file on our pc)

So it doesn't matter unless, you want another program to open automatically those files
e.g a program that you have on your PC and plays only midi files(.sty files are a kind of midi files)

Do you have such a program and if you do and want to change that option, are you using windows? (I don't know about Mac)
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Roger Brenizer

You can "associate a file type or a protocol with a program" in the Windows Control Panel, Earl.  :)
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In Windows , you can tell Windows to always show file extentions (Appearance, Folder Options)This is useful.
Also, try a R-Click on the file, and 'Open With' then browse the list offered, and select 'always' and whatever program you want it to open them with.
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not all sty files are yamaha styles
and also yamaha sty files are midi files
chance sty in mid  and you kan play them as midi files
band in a box have also sty files
they are not midi files and only to use in band in a box
