Drums and Bass

Started by ekurburski, May 26, 2019, 01:03 PM

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Over the last several months I have seen posts where players have alluded to doing half of the night playing only drums and bass instead of full styles.  I wondering if some of you could elaborate on what and how you are doing this.  I have several immediate questions and am certain that the answers will create even more.

1.  Are you using just the keyboard with a split or are you creating specialized styles to play with?
2.  How do you switch from genre to genre without long delays setting up thenew stettings?

I have thought of setting up 8 (using psr 3000)different basic rhymes and saving to a bank of registrations.

3. When playing the straight keyboard how do you switch drum patterns?
4. How do you keep track of it all?


Earl Kirby,
When I want to play as a "Piano Trio" on my PSR S950 I select a Jazz or Swing Style, Instrumental Jazz, Acoustic Jazz, Cool Swing etc., take out all the instruments, except bass and rhythm. I also select "Full Keyboard" and start playing. I have made registrations of each of these style. It works well. You could also keep the guitar in order to better hear the cord changes.
