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move a style from PSR E453 to Genos [resolved]

Started by pfeuh, Jan 26, 2019, 01:22 AM

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Some months ago I bought a PSR E453, it was my first arranger. I have a Genos now and I've lost some style regarding to the PSR.

Can somebody recognise them in these 2 live performances and give me a copy I can use in my Genos? Thanks in advance.

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I tink the name of this one was TangoArgentin, but my memory is perhaps a little bit out of date.
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It  seems that the E463 is better than Genos LOL


There's a problem with the first link-- it takes me to my own Box account. The second one works correctly, so you might want to try reposting the first link using whatever method you used for the second one.


Thanks, it is updated now, I hope it works.



Toril S

Really good performances! A pleasant listen. Look forward to more!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Pfeuh,

Very nice job indeed. If you did this on a PSR E453, I am really eager to listen to your next production with your Genos  8)


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.

Toril S

But how can he transfer these two styles to Genos?
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Pfeuh and Toril,

Basically you can't export these styles because there is no style editor on the E453. These styles are probably to be found on other keyboards, though. One solution, if one knew the name of these styles, would be to try to find them on another keyboard which can modify and save styles as external files.

The TangoArgentino style is listed on the data list of the the PSR S775 (and thus probably also on the S975). Or else, it is also for sale on the Yamaha Musicsoft here:

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As for the first style, it would be easier to find it if I knew its name.

Hope this helps,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


For the first style, there is a style on my DGX650 called FunkPopRock which seems to ring a bell.

Unfortunately it is impossible to export a style form the DGX650 but maybe it is to be found and can be exported from another keyboard ?

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.

Toril S

Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Ed B

"Funk pop rock" is a style on the Genos.
Ed B
Keep on learning


Quote from: Fantomas on Jan 26, 2019, 03:38 AM
It  seems that the E463 is better than Genos LOL
I am curious to know why Genos is criticised on this forum, even though of it being a flagship arranger workstation ?



Thanks everybody for your interest.

Quote from: AnupamEnosh on Jan 27, 2019, 02:20 AMI am curious to know why Genos is criticised on this forum
I think it's only humour, it's because these 2 PSR styles are not implemented in the PSR.

These 2 performances were done live in the PSR E453. For the first one (The funk one), I've blocked the bass on C (playing 2 C) I've also done a -12 transpose to have some bass on the right hand.

Unfortunately I've sold The PSR, that's why I can't find the name of the first style and I can't try to export them for my Genos.





Quote from: AnupamEnosh on Jan 27, 2019, 02:20 AMI am curious to know why Genos is criticised on this forum, even though of it being a flagship arranger workstation ?

I don't think he was criticizing the Genos, just having a bit of a laugh over the irony that the PSR-E463 has a couple of styles that the OP wanted which aren't available on the Genos.


With a little more effort searching inside the Genos... I've found the funky one, it's RetroPop/70sDiscoFunk, I love the bass part.  ;)

But for the TangoArgentino, I haven't found it inside the Genos, even with more effort. I'm afraid I'm going to pay, thank you for the link.


Hi Pfeuh,

Before buying the style you may want to post a request specially for TangoArgentino together with the link to your performance in the Style/OTS section of the forum here:

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Hope this helps,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


Quote from: SeaGtGruff on Jan 27, 2019, 02:59 AM
I don't think he was criticizing the Genos, just having a bit of a laugh over the irony that the PSR-E463 has a couple of styles that the OP wanted which aren't available on the Genos.
Exactly  ;D


Quote from: vbdx66 on Jan 27, 2019, 04:05 AM
Before buying the style you may want to post a request specially for TangoArgentino together with the link to your performance in the Style/OTS section of the forum

Thanks Vinciane, I'm going to do that.

