Echo Effect In A Registration

Started by Bob88, Jan 17, 2019, 10:23 PM

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   I have a registration on my Genos which has a great echo(?)  effect.   I wanted to see how it is created and went into the Voice part Setting page  but  cannot seem to find the option that would enable this feature.  Not sure where else to look.   I have attached the registration.  The otis link and rotary options are turned off.  When playing a chord and releasing quickly, a great echo or repetitive sound plays.  I would like to use this feature in other registrations  using various voices.  Looking for some  help.  Thanks, Bob

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Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6

Fred Smith

Echo is a harmony effect. Just turn harmony on, and set it to Echo.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Bob, I can see why you had trouble finding it on this organ flute voice.
If you go to the Panel tab of Mixer and touch Chorus/ Reverb you will see that R1 is set to 127 for Chorus the type of which is Tempo Cross 3 which is the effect giving you the Echo.
Note the chorus type in this case is set in the style as a system effect and is not assigned to the voice, so you'd need to ensure other styles you might want to use would have that chorus assigned and the chorus level set to 127 or whatever sounds right for other voices. However I would guess you could get similar results by inserting a delay effect such as Tempo Cross 3 (or other Delay Effects) directly to voices if you  prefer.



Norman,Fred and John:  Thank you for your replies.  Regards, Bob


John:  Would you explain how to get to the section where the Tempo Cross 3 option is located?   One of the issues I have with the Genos is searching numerous screens to get
to the proper location.  Thank you.  Bob


Hi Bob,
With your registration loaded in Genos and activated, go to Mixer and select the Panel tab at the top if it is not already selected.
Now touch chorus/reverb in the far left column of Mixer.
Now you should see a Chorus heading towards the left and to the far right of it is Tempo Cross 3. (If you touch the latter you will get a menu of other selectable effects if needed) .
If you look under the heading Right1 you will see the level at which the chorus is set for the organ flutes ie. 127 in the case of your reg. which can be changed manually if necessary after touching the number in mixer.

Also note Fred's suggestion that an Echo can be selected from the Harmony/ Arpeggio screen as a possible alternative way provided it can be made to give the effect you need.



Thanks again John.   I did try Fred's suggestion but  the effect was not quite the same even though there was some echo.   I will have another closer look re your suggestion. Bob


John:  I was able to resolve my problem  .  Thanks for your expertise.  Regards, Bob


Bob, glad you succeeded, thanks for the feedback,  ;)



   A followup to using the  delay effect with Tempo Cross 3  on my Genos.   I am able to assign it to a voice but found it was not assigned to  the  style.  Perhaps John could help again.  How do I assign the effect to the style  in the registration?   Thank you.  Bob


Quote from: Bob88 on Feb 26, 2019, 10:02 PM
How do I assign the effect to the style  in the registration?   Thank you.  Bob

Bob there are various ways to do this depending on what end result you want.
To assign TC3 as an insert dsp to just 1 style part eg chd1 go to the Style 1 tab of Mixer. Touch Effect, then Assign Part Setting.
In the popup window go down to Insertion Effects 21-28 and choose one of those that is currently off, touch it then select Style Chord1/ close. You are now back to the previous window and have to select the dsp type you need. So touch the current dsp currently assigned to Chord1, go to Delay and select TC3. Close the windows back to mixer and you will see the delay assigned to Chd1 with a setting of 34 which you can auditon and adjust.
Save in a registration ensuring at least style is ticked.

You can also assign TC3 to a style as a system effect by touching Chorus/ Reverb in the Mixer/ Style 1 tab. Alongside Chorus you will see the name of the currently assigned dsp, so touch it, and in the next screen go to Delay (you might have to touch more than once due to glitch programming ;)). Select TC3. Back to Mixer.
Now you can turn up the Sends in the Chorus section for any style part you need.  If you go to the Panel tab of Mixer you will see you can also turn up the Chorus sends of any panel voices where you may also need a TC3 effect.
Save as above, to save panel voice settings at least style plus voice must be ticked.

It is also possible to assign TC3  to a Variation Effect (touch Effect in Mixer /Style 1 and ensure System is activated by touching it). Selection is similar to Chorus.



  WOW!  John I'm impressed by such detail and expertise.  Lots of information you have provided.  Now I have some homework  to pursue.  Thanks for all the effort in your reply.
Regards, Bob