midi message to set channel to be displayed on Score screen

Started by GWChristie, Jan 16, 2019, 01:23 PM

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Is there a midi message that sets the channel to be displayed on the Tyros5 Score Screen?
The Tyros can be setup to "auto" choose what channel to use...  Is it responding to a midi message in the midi file?



It will show the track you choose 1-16 to show the score. Dose not matter what midi file you use.


Thanks Eileen:  I understand how to set the Score Channels manually.
I'll try to explain my question better:  When I load a midi song file with Left and Right Score Channels set to Auto, how does the Tyros figure out which channels to use for the Left and Right Scores? 
I tested Loading a midi song file with the Auto settings and then pressed the Setup button and this results in the Score channels showing Channel 2 for Right and Channel 15 for Left.
So, (a little out of my depth here) are there midi sysex messages or other messages in the midi file that tell the Tyros which channels to use for the Score display?
If this is the case, and thinking further ahead, can additional such messages be inserted in the midi file to control the score display in real time.   For example to display a melody from Channel 2 followed by an instrumental solo from channel 15?

I'm fairly new at all this midi stuff, so please bear with me. Thanks


Hi GWChristie,

you can find all "Score" SysEx Messages in the Tyros 5 DATA LIST (on page 100):

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To enter/change those Score Settings to/in a MIDI file, you can use the software tool "PSRUTI" (click "Extras" ---> "Score"):

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Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Ah yes!  Now I know how to proceed.  I had the Data List all along and use PSRUti regularly, so I think I'm good to go now. I will of course back-up my midi file before proceeding.  This is a little intimidating.  I very much appreciate you pointing me in the right direction is such a timely manner.

All the best :D


Hi GWChristie,

thanks for your feedback!

Of course, you can also write the Score Settings to the MIDI file directly on Tyros5.

To do this, go to "Song Creator - Channel - Setup". Make sure that ALL the "upper" boxes are checked ("Voice" to "EQ"), and additionally check the box "Score Setting". Press "Song STOP" button, to set the file to the beginning. Then press "Execute", to write all made changes (including the Score Setting) to the Song. Finally press "Save" to save the altered Song as a (new) MIDI file.

Do NOT check the box "Keyboard Voice"! Otherwise your current Keyboard Voice Settings (Right/Left Parts) will be written to the MIDI file.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)