disco inferno for Genos

Started by Musicman123, Dec 17, 2018, 01:37 PM

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Hi Guys a while ago I asked for the disco inferno style and got one for the tyros 5 and its fantastic , I now have a Genos and it wont work on this keyboard for some reason , I also had Road to hell witch is great to but that wont work either has anyone got the styles for these 2 songs please I would appreciate it very much



Here is Road to Hell style and mp3

[attachment deleted by admin]


Styles from Tyros 5 should work perfectly on Genos. All mine do.


Hi Elleen Im sorted now with help from you and others , I handed my tyros 5 in tonight so its Genos all the way , I wont do any gigs for a month so as to get used to the working on the Genos , anyway thank you for all the sdvice , without people like you and many others on this forum life would be harder for me re Keyboard info ect

Merry Christmas   Stuart