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trqansfering folders fro tyros 5 to genos

Started by Musicman123, Dec 16, 2018, 02:41 PM

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Hi folks Ive just recieved my Genos and I want to copy my folders that hold all the registations I use , I did go to my folders pressed copy ( ALL ) and it seemed to work , I found my folders in Genos tried to opem one and it shows empty , I put the usb stick in my pc and all the registration are there but they wont show up on Genos , what am I missing or going wrong , I would welcome any advice .


ps I coppied onto a usb

Lee Batchelor

Hi Stuart,

Welcome to the Genos world! Would you describe exactly how you're doing the copy process. It would help if you mention what device or folder you are copying to or from. Describe all your key strokes and button presses. Give as much detail as you can. Thanks...
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Al Ram

when you want to see the registrations in the new folder,  FIRST press on the registration area in the touch screen of Genos and SECOND now go to the folder where you have the registrations.

If you want to see the external styles, first press on the style area in the touch screen of Genos and then go to the folder where you have the styles . . .

and so on. 

Try this and see what happens . . .

San Diego/Tijuana


Lee first I will say Im no expert at messing with files ect I just play , so what I did is inserta usb stick I then went to my page of folder
I have 12 all with different types of regs ie  ROCK , COUNTRY ECT I the pressed copy and pressed all the yellow files went black and i pressed ok , I checked the stick and they werw there , I then put the usb into Genos and my yellow files came up I then opened one and nothing there , I tried a few again all empty , I put the usb into my pc and the rolders came up with all the regs in them so they are there .
I repeted the prosess in the Genos but could not fine the regs in the folders , thats as far as I got so I must be missing something .


Thanks Al I will try that , Im just finding it confusing right now , it took me ages to sort the Tyros 5 out . it seemms easier on the genos its just getting used to It .


Toril S

Hello Stuart :) The Yamaha keyboards have a file masking system. It confuses us sometimes, but is actually put there to make it easy for us.
It goes like this:
Folders can be seen in all modes, i.e. style, song, voice.
But if you open a folder in the wrong mode, say for instance that you open a song folder in the style mode, then the folder looks empty. The files are masked. This system is handy, it will only let us see and open our files in the right place for them.

It took me some time too before I got this into my head.

And BTW I now have a Tyros5 :)

All the best from Toril
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Thanks Toril interesting info , Im sure i will get there in the end as I did with my Tyros 5 and all the keyboards I had before that , thanks again

Regards Stuart


Hi Stuart,
  You must first press Registration at the left hand top of the screen. You then tab to USB1 and select a folder. you should then see all of the files in there. I am assuming that the file is not zipped.


Thanks ellien I will do that , Ive only had the keyboard 3 days so alot to learn I may call on your experience again ,


Thanks everyone for your advice re my transferring problem , well I did it with all your help , much appreciated



Elieen I hope you dont mind me picking your brains again , its regarding a style I downloaded for the Tyros 5 It was Disco Inferno and it worked really well , I tried to play in in the Genos and it does not work , ? any ideas why or is there something Im missing with the Genos , the style is on a usb and inn  a folder and its always worked . any advice appreciated

Merry Christmas

Fred Smith

Quote from: Musicman123 on Dec 18, 2018, 02:33 PM
Elieen I hope you dont mind me picking your brains again , its regarding a style I downloaded for the Tyros 5 It was Disco Inferno and it worked really well , I tried to play in in the Genos and it does not work , ? any ideas why or is there something Im missing with the Genos , the style is on a usb and inn  a folder and its always worked . any advice appreciated

You need to tell us what "did not work" means.

Is it that you can't find the style?
Is it that the style sounds awful?
Is it something else?

The Genos will happily play any style from other Yamaha keyboards, so it's just a matter of following the proper procedure to get yours to work.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred thanks for the reply , the style name shows up on my registration but when I press the reg J button to play , the reg I played before it plays again , its the same with the Road to Hell style , these 2 styles came from the forum ,



You say you press button J to play your registration. Button J is used to select a registration first. You then press a button 1-10 on the registration bank to play along with it. If you are saying that when you select a new registration it dose not also select the correct style then it means the link to the style has been broken and you will need to load the style and re-save the bank with this style linked and then save when finished.
  Remember that when saving third party styles to registrations the style positions should never be changed or the links will be broken again.


Hi Stuart

You initially said that a style named 'Disco Inferno' was giving you problems.

Now you seem to be saying that the problem is with a registration of that name!

You need to let us know which!

If, as I suspect, it is a registration (which can have any name, not necessarily the same as the style used by it), then I suggest that you post it as an attachment to a reply so that we can take a look at it.

I don't have a style with this name, but I do have a downloaded registration named 'Disco Inferno' which uses a preset style (90sDisco,  which is also available as a preset on Genos and so should be found by registrations).

If you are actually referring to a registration, you should be able to get this to work.



Fred Smith

Quote from: Musicman123 on Dec 18, 2018, 05:15 PM
Hi Fred thanks for the reply , the style name shows up on my registration but when I press the reg J button to play , the reg I played before it plays again , its the same with the Road to Hell style , these 2 styles came from the forum ,


There's no J button on a Genos. So whick keyboard are you using?

You say "the style name shows up in the registration".  How so? Where is it being displayed?

You say the "reg" you played before, but regs don't play, they load, then you play a style, or a midi. Do you mean the style you played before? If so, then that style will be displayed on the main screen.

As you can see, I'm very confused.

I'm betting it's a simple case of the reg can't find the style. So load the reg, manually find the style, then re-memorize your reg.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


sorry Fred I must explain I had the reg in my tyros 5 and used the j button to select it , I transferred all my folders to the Genos , and the disco inferno was in my rock file , I played a few from the folder but when I tried to play disco inferno all I got was the previous song that I just played , I like the style as its near perfect to the origional song , Ive put it on a usb again and I will reload it .



Disco Inferno Style


[attachment deleted by admin]

Ed B

Hi Stuart
Style looks okay and should play okay...
Ed B
Keep on learning

Fred Smith

Quote from: Musicman123 on Dec 18, 2018, 05:58 PM
disco inferno was in my rock file

I'm assuming you mean in your rock folder.

Quote from: Musicman123 on Dec 18, 2018, 05:58 PM
I tried to play disco inferno

I'm assuming you mean when you loaded your disco inferno registration.

Quote from: Musicman123 on Dec 18, 2018, 05:58 PM
all I got was the previous song that I just played

I'm assuming you mean all you got was the previous style that was loaded.

If all this is true, then my original advice stands: After loading the registration, manually find the right style, then re-memorize the registration.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Stuart,

You must understand that a Registration is only a set of instructions.

It doesn't contain any Styles, Voices, Songs or the like.
It only tells the system what parts to activate and where to look for external Styles, Multi pads, Voices...
So, if you copy a Registration from one keyboard to another, it doesn't include anything, it's just a list of directions.
As long as everything pointed to by the Registration is part of the keyboard (internal Styles, Voices, Pads...), everything will work just fine.
But if the Registration points to external files than these files need to be copied as well, and the Registration must be changed accordingly - if needed.

Maybe your Disco Inferno.sty was saved in a folder on the Hard Disk of your Tyros and the Registration that was made then, points to the file in that folder.
When you now activate button 1 of that Registration, the system tries to find the style using the OLD instructions, but that won't work, because the Genos doesn't use a Hard Disk anymore.
It now has an SSD (Solid State Disk) but that uses a different address than the Hard disk on the Tyros, so the instructions in your Registration will not find the needed parts.

And, you cannot simply copy everything to the SSD either... it's quite more complicated.

For now, as suggested before, you should copy the Style to the USB stick.
Open the Registration and activate button 1, select the Style section and locate the Style on the USB, then press Memory + Button 1, this way button 1 points to the Style on the stick.
If the Registration uses more buttons, repeat the actions. Finally, don't forget to save that Registration or you'll lose all the changes you made.

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
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What a lot of us did was purchase a large USB pen drive. I chose a 64Gb. We copied the contents of our previous keyboard to this via computer and everything then worked fine and all links were found. Then put this into the underneath keyboard USB compartment where it will also act as a back up for User if when you create new set ups for Genos you also save them to this USB which can be removed from time to time and backed up on your computer.
   If however you decide to move your folders from this USB stick to your USER you will need to remake your links to things like custom styles and multi pads.


Thanks to everyone for the advice Im sure it will be ok , Ellieen I bought a 64g usb too and loaded my folders onto it , Im not sure what to do to back up everthing from the tyros 5 , can you explain in easy terms soI can do that to , before I hand over the tyros 5
Regards Stuart


Hello folks and congratulations to all who have or are getting Genos.

As you know the Genos dose not now have a hard drive but a 56Gb user section and provision for a USB port underneath the keyboard in which you can securely plug a large capacity USB stick. Note the flap underneath the keyboard has one screw. Be careful when removing it that you don't drop it inside I would suggest getting a 64Gb but of coarse the choice is yours.
Always format the stick on Genos before use.
Link up your Tyros to your computer whilst switched on and keyboard switched off using a printer type cable
Turn on Keyboard and wait until you see Tyros5 HDD. This may take a couple of minutes. You will now see the contents of your hard drive. Just highlight all of these and select Copy. Now select where you want them on your computer. DO NOT make a FOLDER now paste to the root drive of where you selected to put them. When you get your Genos take the USB stick which it is always advisable to format first on Genos Place it in your computer and then highlight all the files from Tyros 5 and copy and then paste to the root directory of USB.
  If you have also downloaded the additional Playlist copy this also to the same stick. Place the USB in the underneath USB port. Use your registrations from the USB which will read USB1 and you will find every thing will be linked as it was on your Tyros. NOTE that if you then want to transfer to the user section, the links to style and other things you may have set up will be broken and you will have to re-do them. It is therefore best to use this USB as a second Hard Drive. You can of coarse transfer any Midi Files or Audio recording to the user and then delete them from the stick if desired. The choice is yours.
Hope this Helps.

Also if you are going to use the extended playlist this also needs to be saved onto this stick as it will only work properly from here.