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Yamaha Registration Manager v5.11 and Audio Files

Started by Alun, Apr 09, 2019, 04:27 AM

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Is it possible to add an Audio file to a Registration on YRM 5.11?
There appears to be a method on the Registration Edit Section but I have failed to Save the changes successfully.

Can anyone help?

Thank you




Hi Alun,
yes it is possible:
The steps:
- open the YRM
- set the "Target Keyboard" on the keyboard of your choice
- click on "Load Registration Bank" (> left upper corner of the green main screen)
- click on a registered (not empty) Button 1 (or where you intend to make the llink to the audiofile)
- click on "Edit Registration" > blue screen opens
- got o "Audio File:" > third line from the top,
- click on "Add Audio File" > grey screen opens,
- click the button which is on the left or in the middle of the three buttons available:
     + Left: input of the directory path where the audio file is stored, don't forget to add the extension (i.e. WAV or AUD or MP3), OR
     + Middle: browse to the file in your directory and click on the file

After you did all the above mentioned steps don't forget to click on "Save" what changes the registration-file on the blue screen and finally click on "Save/Convert Registration Bank" (Main screen).
Much success !!


Best Regards
... with his Genos2