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how to upgrade from fl512 to fl1024

Started by gary3917, Nov 23, 2018, 07:55 PM

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Can not find any info on this ....if I remove my fl512 will i lose my pack installations ? Do I erase them off of the 512 ?and reinstall the packs onto the new fl1024 ? not sure how to do that becuz it is a 3rd party pack and i also want to install some more packs that i have laying around from my T4 . The most confusing part is when I use the YEM it erases everything in order to install the new pack . seems kind of goofy and I can not find out on youtube why !!! Can someone guide me to a tutorial or help me  ? Also why is some of my packs ccp or cci or ppi and why do I have to change the LSB . This is not easy .My T4 was easy to install packs
I thank you in advance
Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer


Hi i own a Tyros 5 and upgraded from the 512 to the 1024 expansion board.just remove the old one and install the new one.yes you will lose all your expansion packs so make sure you have all of the saved in your yem on your pc and just export them to your keyboards new expansion board,or you can save them from your pc to a flash drive on your pc and import in your keyboard thru the expansion board.any time to add packs to your keyboard  the yem on your pc formats your keyboard flash drive and reinstalls all packs in your yem


The YEM programme saves all your packs so when you install your new memory and then go to the YEM the packs will show. You then will need to make a new install file on USB by ticking the packs you want. Then save to USB or send wirelessly if you have the dongle.
  The keyboard will always format the flash memory in keyboard first to make sure you do not have any fragmented sections as this would give you less space.
   CCP packs are protected from Yamaha and PPF files are mostly third party packs or for the S series keyboards. You can not load CCI or PPI files into the YEM as they must be loaded directly into the keyboard and will clear all other packs and just show the one you have loaded not much good to you really. When you purchase packs they will always have a PPF file.
  You do not have to change the LSB if you don't need to.


I am going to upgrade to a Fl 1024 on my T5 .Do i need to reformat my FL 512..... (remove the info) back to normal so i can resale the fl512 ? or does it remove the existing packs only  .Should I reformat the HD1 to do this . Will this also erase the info I have on my non expansion stuff (on board HD styles ) .Bottom line im asking is ...I have some styles on my HD and I want to keep those styles of which are separate form My expansion packs .Whew !!! Rough trying to verbalize this
Thanx Gary
Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer


DO NOT format your HD or you will lose everything you have saved to it such as Registrations, Styles and Songs. As for Expansion memory it is up to you if you format or not. Anyone buying it will probably want to load there own packs so it will format then.


Thanx Eileen,
Should I delete the existing packs on the FL 512 b4 I sell it ? Is that possible to do that ?
Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer


Yes, you can. But don't do it because Factory Reset will clear everything on your keyboard.
Or you can connect T5 to PC and delete it.
If the new owner of the FL 512 install any pack, it will delete your packs.


Factory reset should not effect the Expansion memory. If you want to clear this memory from any official Yamaha packs then the easiest way is to load a pack in with only one voice on it. This will then do the normal format and just load in one voice which will be fine.


Tyros 5 (finally ),Tyros 4, Korg M3 88,  Kawia MP7,Casio PX 560 Cakewalk Sonar BIAB Cubase 5
Mackie DLM8 Keyboard stereo Powered speakers and subwoofer