Hopelessly looking for Mele Kalikimaka style

Started by bolepa, Dec 02, 2018, 03:12 PM

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Hi guys!
I was trying to find this style (including sites where I have to pay) but with no success. Please help if anyone has it.... Thank you in advance!

Bruce Breen

I am not sure what keyboard you have...
But what I use is French Jazz at 210 tempo. Intro II (I think...maybe try them all).

On my keyboard (PSR S950) I choose either OTS3 or OTS4, and turn on the R2 (if it isn't already?).
Then change the R1 to Aloha Guitar (on Page 5 of the guitars), or Hawaiian Guitar...

I also have a made up a pad bank I called "Island", and use #1-waves, & #2-water trickling (optional #3 -birds- as well).
It is attached.
I recorded the pads many years ago, and they don't "loop", so you will find that pads may not last for the whole song - so just start them again about half way through.
They also won't stop when you stop the song...sorry just never bothered to update them.

And if you wait, I'm sure that someone else will post an actual style named Mele Kalikimaka...

Finally, if you sing and use harmonies, use the JazzSisters harmony - it sounds like the Andrew Sisters.

All of this makes the song sound identical to the song in Christmas Vacation (Bing Crosby's version).

Have fun!

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Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion


Bruce, Thank you very much for sharing! I have Tyros 4 and am going to try your style within next 5-10 min. Thank you again!