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Registration Global Change

Started by JollyJim, Dec 06, 2018, 09:23 AM

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Hi Everyone,

I've downloaded stacks of registrations and realised the potential of using them
a lot.

One annoying feature, at least for me, is when I load a registration
and it has been set up with the left hand part set to off, which, for the
most part, sounds like mud when I play a left hand chord.

I can see how, and have successfully changed it to 'set to on' by just pressing
the left hand part button and then saving the registration by overwriting
the original. Obviously, to do this to all the registrations that I've got,
would be very tedious.

I've also got the Yamaha Arranger Registrations program and I can change
the setting of an individual registration within there, but, what I would like
to know, is there a way of globally changing and updating a bunch of registrations
and/or banks and then upload them to the T4?

Any help would be gratefully appreciated, thanks for reading....

Regards - Jim




Have a look at the Yamaha Registration Manager program By Murray Best.




First read the section of the YRM user manual on Duplicator to get a feel for what it does.

Load a registration bank that contains the correct settings.

Click the Duplication button on the main screen.

Choose the button containing the correct settings in the From box and OK.

Select the buttons in the To box, or All buttons to copy settings to every available button in the target banks and OK.

Click Batch Duplicate Setup at the bottom of the screen to see what's available for batch duplication.

Check the item(s) you want to duplicate.

Then click the button Batch Duplicate, which will ask you for the source directory, and a directory for the result if you haven't checked Autoname.  Answer Yes to the next question and new banks will be created with the chosen items copied from the source bank/button.


One can do without most things, but not without the pleasure of music.

Check out my Registration Manager at:


Hi Ronnie. thanks for your reply. I've downloaded the latest version - cheers.

Thanks Murray I've followed your lead and it's got me oh so close but not all
the way unfortunately. The problem being that, in choosing which settings to
batch duplicate, it only gives 'left voice' as a check box  which then not only batch
duplicates the 'status' setting, which is what I want, but the 'left voice' as well, which is what I
don't want.
So, unless there is a way of digging down and separating the 'status' field, I'm guessing
this is not going to be easy.
Thanks Murray for your effort - it's much appreciated and I'm sure the knowledge you've
just given me will be used in other ways very soon----- thanks again both

best wishes - Jim