Christmas Style Request

Started by Actrostruck, Nov 23, 2018, 10:06 AM

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my Name is Theo, and my Home is in Germany.
I use a Tyros4 and I'm looking for a style for "Little drummer boy"  ;)

I found nothing with the search function.
Many Thanks,

Bruce Breen

Hi Theo,
I am sure that someone will post to you a traditional style for this song...

That said, I always experiment with most of the songs I play, to come up with more contemporary or unique styles for playing them.

So, for this one I now only use Chillout1 when I play it, set at 68 tempo. It is in your Ballad styles.
I always get great comments back from my audiences over it.

And to give it more snare drum sound, I use the pad Snareplay2, pad #1 or 2, which are quite syncopated.
If you want a straighter snare pattern, try the Snareplay1 pads.
Hopefully you have these, or something similar, on your keyboard (I'm not sure if they are on your keyboard?).

have fun!

Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion


Hi Theo

I do not know if this one is any good or not, it's not a style which i put together, I found it in a folder called Smiths Christmas, so if it sounds good the credit goes to him. i think I got the folder from this site quite a time ago, i have not used it.


[attachment deleted by admin]
Tyros 5   S950 S975
Bose L1 compact speaker
HS8 Studio Monitors

I Love My Tyros 5



I attached an older style that has a proper intro and I adjusted OTS and stye parts to be more T4 worthy I hope. The other option you have on your T4 is to use the orchestral bolero style which can be found in the movie & show preset folder.

best regards,

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Hi, Theo!

I found this SFF2 style, Orchestral Bolero based, from: Neal Saunders' Christmas Songs.
You can change the instruments at your pleasure.
Best regards.

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Roger Brenizer

I've attached 7 more styles you may like to try, Theo.  :)

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Hello everyone,

Thank you to all for the help  :D.
I will try out the suggestions and then tell you.
Good night!


check out my Christmas Gig Disks.

Gary  8)
Love Those Yammies...