How to read Parameter Chart in Data List manual

Started by chikitin, Nov 04, 2018, 10:25 PM

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I have a PSR-A3000 trying to understand the Data list. Each parameter in the chart has 16 columns marked with -, O, or X, What do they mean? And how one can use them please.



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It's basically telling you what settings can be saved, and where they can be saved.

For example, in the registration column, there are lots of O which indicates that those settings *can* be saved in a registration. Contrast with the OTS column which has some settings O and some X. The ones with X can't be saved in an OTS.

So sometimes you see questions on the forum like "Why does the registration not save the left voice setting". The parameter chart would show that a registration *can* save left voice, but only if you select to store the "style" group when memorizing.

You can also use it as a sort of 'master feature list' when comparing models over time. For example, T5 cannot save individual DSP parameter settings in a registration, but Genos can.


