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inserting quote

Started by mikf, Oct 28, 2018, 10:58 AM

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I have a lot of difficulty inserting a quote in a post. I copy the quote then select the quote function, but every time I try to paste in the quote it copies over one of the function marks and does not work. I can sometimes fix it by typing back in the missing function marks, and fiddling around a lot, but surely it should work more automatically than this. What am I doing wrong?

Fred Smith

Quote from: mikf on Oct 28, 2018, 10:58 AM
I have a lot of difficulty inserting a quote in a post. I copy the quote then select the quote function, but every time I try to paste in the quote it copies over one of the function marks and does not work. I can sometimes fix it by typing back in the missing function marks, and fiddling around a lot, but surely it should work more automatically than this. What am I doing wrong?

You just click on "Quote", and it will create the quote for you. There's nothing else you need to do. Just start typing your reply after the quote.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


It sounds like you're copying just part of the post you want to quote from-- something I often do to avoid unnecessary duplication of text I'm not directly replying to. What I usually do is just use the "Quote" function, which quotes the entire post. Then I delete any text I'm not directly replying to. Sometimes I'll break the quoted post into multiple sections so I can respond to each section, in which case I manually insert additional quote functions as needed.


You say the quote comes up automatically but when I click reply to open the text box, and click the quote function no quote comes up. All that does is show two quote function boxes in parenthesis and the cursor flashing between them where the quote has to be pasted. What should I do differently?


OK - Now I see what you mean. You hit the quote button first above the post you want to extract the quote from, and the whole post comes up automatically. Then you delete what you don't want. I have been trying to insert only the relevant text I want to quote and that is tricky.
This way is easy, just never dawned on me before to do it that way.

Bruce Breen

Quote from: mikf on Oct 28, 2018, 08:13 PM
OK - Now I see what you mean. You hit the quote button first above the post you want to extract the quote from, and the whole post comes up automatically. Then you delete what you don't want. I have been trying to insert only the relevant text I want to quote and that is tricky.
This way is easy, just never dawned on me before to do it that way.
Let's see if this works (I have never used the quote feature either)...

Yes, we got it! - don't click the reply box below the post, instead, click the quote box above the post. Then type your response and post it.

And now, 2 minutes later, I have 'modified' my answer using the modify button!
But I won't use the remove button, or you won't see this... ;D 8)
Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion

Fred Smith

Quote from: mikf on Oct 28, 2018, 08:02 PM
You say the quote comes up automatically but when I click reply to open the text box, and click the quote function no quote comes up. All that does is show two quote function boxes in parenthesis and the cursor flashing between them where the quote has to be pasted. What should I do differently?

I didn't say when you hit "reply". I said when you hit "quote".

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I think you missed my other post. The light bulb finally went off.  You actually can click reply to open a text box but then you need to click the quote function above the post you wish to quote rather than above the reply text box. I had been trying to paste in only the text I wanted to include like Seagtgruff said, by clicking the quote function above the reply text box. It is actually possible to do that, because I have done it many times, but it was not easy and always took me several attempts. I had completely missed the fact that there is a quote function above every post in the thread, not just the reply text box.
