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AudioStyle from Usb pen - How to

Started by bernamato, Oct 18, 2018, 11:19 AM

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For beneficial of all, I found a procedure to read own audiostyle from usb driver pen.
Hi all,
considered as follow:
1) Audio Phraser: MIDI parts. When exported, this data will be stored as blank data by this software.
2) From Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, an audio style file has the following chunks (in order):

    Type    Purpose
    ----    ------------------------------------
    MThd    SMF header chunk
    MTrk    SMF track chunk
    CASM    Yamaha CASM chunk
    AASM    Audio assembly (descriptor) chunk
    AFil    Audio file (waveform) chunk
    OTSc    Yamaha OTS chunk
The AASM and AFil chunks are new, additional chunks beyond the known MIDI, CASM and OTS chunks.

We can use hex editor. Use Audio Phraser to load the wav for each part (main a, main b, intro a etc.). Save as .aus file.
a) change the audiostyle from .aus in .sty
b) load the style and use style creator with assembly function to reassign the midi data as your taste
c) save it on usb. The file will be .aus. This file is only a style file.
d) in hex editor  (I use Hex Fien for macosx) open the two files and copy from audiostyle saved in point a), the AASM chunks and past it in the style file you saved in the pont c), starting from the last row of style file.
e) copy  from .aus file, the header from SFF2 until Sint and past in .sty
f) save the modified file as .sty

Now you can use this file as a style with wav part embedded without need to save it in the user memory.

Every comment is welcome.

Best regards.


Hi, and thank you for sharing the knowledge.

So you can actually edit and use the audiostyle afterwards in Tyros 5?
It looks a bit too much of a 'fight' to do make it work. So, can you please explain in plain language, what exactly could be the benefit and the practical use of this feature?
Are those AFil's individual drum waveforms, or any other non harmonic samples that won't be affected on chord changes, for example....Hi-hats, Snare drums, Bass drums, random FX sounds, etc... that you can rearrange and build any sort of genre/style, or they are/have to be entire recording of a particular style (Rock, Reggae, Ballad...etc), sort of "audio loops"?

Thank you in advance!




In my case I used a loop audio as background and used the bass and chord 1 and chord 2 that follow the chords I play. The benefits is to play the audio file without be necessary to use the audiostyle memory (in tyros 5 is 124MB) or internal memory (in tyros 5 is 1gb). I use the internal memory only for new samples/voices.


Soon I hope to have time to post a video that is a Stephan Bodzin style (techno).


Thanks for the answer.

Ok, so it's an entire loop that plays with the style, not like a sliced up .rex or .wav file to it's individual percussion parts. I think get it.
I'd really like to see that video that you said.



Now, if you could please find a similar trick to store expansion voice waveforms on USB rather than internal expansion memory .... you will make a lot of new best friends :)


The audiostyle is similar as REX but better due to algorithm used by yamaha. The time ca be changed without sound degradation.


below a video that shows what you can do using audiostyle form usb drive:



That sounds awesome!

I'm definitely going to give this a try since there are obvious conveniences, both sonic and practical ones.

I know I might be asking a bit too much here, but it would be really helpful for the great part of the users of this forum to have a video tutorial of the whole procedure step by step, the software that is used with links to download it...etc. since this may look fairly technically challenging just by reading it on "paper".

Big Thanks for your effort, and sharing it.



Quick update,

Today I've had some spare time and decided to give that a try, and it worked as promised...even without having to do the "hex-sorcery".
Simply arranged the audio parts in Audio Phaser as I needed them, save it as .aup file, later changed the .aup to .sty and it was up and running on the keyboard.
Just have to add few midi parts now and the style is ready. The audio part plays on it's own absolutely fine while the style is being played from the USB drive.

Thanks for the advice and the great idea!




Very happy to hear you. Add midi part with style creator and save as .aus file. Then you will need to use hex editor to embed all.
Soon, I will post a link to a video. Please, send us your link video to listen what you have done. Best regards.


This is the link to the video:
Sorry for mistakes or no nice video resolution but this is the idea.

