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Data Lists for Expansion Packs

Started by RoyB, Oct 08, 2018, 04:07 AM

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Having looked at and tried most of the popular DAWs, I have now purchased a less popular but simpler DAW that meets my requirements called Multitrack Studio (MTStudio) which I find easier to learn and use for my requirements of recording multiple audio and MIDI tracks from my keyboards.

My keyboards are Roland FA08 and Tyros 5.

I am writing patchmaps for the MTStudio DAW for these two keyboards. I have completed the patchmap file for the FA08, and have included all the additional expansion Integra voices that Roland provides free for it on its website (Roland provides the tone list data for these with the downloads).

I have also done the patchmap data for the preset internal tones and drumkits in the Tyros 5, but I also want to include the data for the 3 Yamaha expansion packs I have  installed:- Stage Pack, Choir-Vocals Pack and Vintage Keyboard Pack. However, Yamaha does not provide any tone list data for these with the pack downloads.

Does anyone know where I can obtained the data list information for the tones and drumkits in these expansion packs?


Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.



People do tend to spend a lot of money on DAW's  and only use about 5% of  the programme

I am more interested in a good MIDI sequencer for modifying midi files and making song styles

Unless your heavily into Audio then a simple Midi sequencer can be better

MultiTrack Studio supports 'Markers' so it's a good choice

What do you intend to do with all that data, make styles or midi files?
Seems like a lot of work to me for little gain.
I assume you already have the patch list for Tyros 5.




I have found most DAWs too complicated for my limited needs, especially when it comes to the basics such as simple audio and MIDI recording, and basic mixing and mastering. I already have MAGIX samplitude and Cubase LE, and have also looked at most of the others. After much searching, Multitrack Studio is exactly what I want - an simple intuitive method for recording a mix of audio and MIDI tracks (not much more difficult than using a tape recording), an easy MIDI editor, enough processing effects, etc. which I have found easy to learn. It was easy to set up with multiple MIDI input and output devices. I already use the T5 internal sequencer a lot together with MixMaster, but I want the DAW to be able to add/record from my FA08 as well recording from the T5.

So for now I have settled on Multitrack Studio as meeting my needs. I have prepared all my patchmap files for the FA08 and Tyros, the only data I am missing are the data lists (MSB, LSB, and PRG) for the Tyros expansion packs. I can't see that Yamaha makes these available.

If necessary, I could get them one by one by loading each sound from the packs individually in the Tyros and looking at the MIDI data, but it seems a lot of work for what should be a simple task.


Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.



There's an option on the config menu to display the MSB/LSB along with each voice on the screen. You'd still have to write them all down but it would be relatively quick.

Joe H

There is another option:  YEM Content Explorer,43547.msg344073.html#msg344073

This program will produce expansion pack Voice files for MixMaster and StyleMagic/Midiworks.

Maybe you could modify one those formats for your DAW.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thanks Joe - that looks like it will do the job for me.

I will give it a try - on first run it couldn't fin my YEM installation folder, so I need to play around with it some more.


Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.



Well, I got the YEM Content Explorer utility to run OK. However, 2 of my packs are .cpf packs, and YEM Content Explorer says it is unable to extract the data elements from this type of file. It extracts the info from .ppf packs OK. In addition tp the Yamaha Stage (.ppf) Pack, I do have a few other non-Yamaha .ppf packs, so at least this utility get the voices info from these for me OK.

So, still unable to get the voice data info from the Choir&Vocals and Vintage Key packs (without going through each one on the Tyros one by one and writing the info down).

Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.



In the end, I got the voice data for the cpf packs from the Tyros screen as DerekA suggested. So job now done.

Tyros 5-76; Roland FA08; Yammex V3; Behringer Q502USB; Arturia BeatStep; Alesis Elevate 3 MkIII;  Yamaha YST-FSW050; Sony MDR 7510; MultiTrackStudio Pro + AAMS.
