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PSR SQ16 - Conf.Table - Help me

Started by adair, Sep 20, 2018, 01:23 PM

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I would like to ask the Friends of the Forum once again for help. For many years I've been struggling with my Yamaha Psr SQ16. I have already translated the Manual, I have tried the procedures according to what I suggested, however I am not able to configure my SQ16 to insert GM Styles. I say this because the standard of the Sq16 is totally different from the other Yamaha keyboards that are mostly GM. My problem is in CONFIG, TABLE P.77. I have performed step by step without success. Of course I'm missing something in my setup. I know Conf.Table 5 would be to add other Keyboards. I add all this to my bad English. I am attaching the Psr Sq16 Manual.
In advance I appreciate the help


I forgot to attach the Psr Sq16 Manual

[attachment deleted by admin]

Toril S

Hello Adair! The keyboard was released in 1993, so the internal styles can not be changed. It is too old. You can make your own styles on the keyboard and save them to the floppy disk, but you cannot import other styles to it, if that is what you wanted to do.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

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