Problem making a simple system image on my computer Win 11

Started by JohnS (Ugawoga), Feb 02, 2022, 07:06 AM

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

I have made several system images since 2017  and all successful using the tools in Windows 10 and now hopefully 11.
I have now just started to make a new one and a red lined box appears with exception 0x80780119
This is pointing i think to my C drive which has not enough space to make system image for some odd reason which baffles me.
I have plenty of space on my 3 Terrabyte external USB drive to make one.
A little confusing, but  then after a little research i downloaded the free Partition Wizard as  it seems that i have to extend the partition or partitions of which i have a C and D drive.

I used EXTEND on C and  a black screen appeared doing the partion business. Holding my breath, because i was not sure what i was doing and proceeded topush the slider up.

Went back to the computer and i was sucessful in making my System Image.
So now i do not want to forget as there will be a next time.

I got rid of the System Image, so i can prove again that it works. Horrors again and it said exception again the same as before as i descibed.

This time i could not EXTEND C drive, so i looked at the othe bits and pieces  and extended them on C drive successfully
Again bingo, i was able to complete another system image, this time i updated everything on my computer, bfore making the image
I will leave it for now like that and not try again as i have the System Image and i went to it using recover just to check everything before saying YES, i was happy and returned to the desktop.

Now i understand that you have to have enough space on partitions to get a shadow of the image before making one for an external save.

What caused all of this, i do not know.
My big question is . Will i have to keep going to the Partition Wizard everytime i want to make a new system image??
I have read somewhere it could be a simple thing like a program with the wrong name. I do not know what that means.
All i know is that i have not put a great deal of extra things on my computer and i am baffled about this latest annoyance.

Any help appreciated here as i went a little Gung Ho over this and took a chance. No errors on drive or bad sectors and all is working. It is just the System Imaging playing up.

All the best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Hi John,

The error "0x80780119" (when trying to create a system image) can have various causes and has already occurred in Windows 7/8/10. Maybe the following site will help you:
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Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)

JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Chris
My first System Image on Windows 11 was good .
This second Image has given me the hump.
I used extend  from Partition Wizard and luckily i was able to do the image.
On proving it again it failed and i extended everything on the C Drive line that i could in the Partition Wizard and it worked again.
I now captured a successful Image
I checked all my programs on the computer to see if all was ok ,and the only thing i had to do was re-activate  my Ozone 9 izotope collection.
I restarted my machine and then had a Bsod :-\

I did a disk check and that was ok,  and now doing a memory test  and so far that is ok.
Tonight i will look at the site that you have made a link for and go through their checks
Thanks for the link Chris

Computers can be a pain in the neck sometimes . It may be something to do with Windows 11 updates ,you never know.
I am not a wiz with them , but i took a chance. That is the way i learn!!! ::)

The latest from what i am seeing is--------------
I have another graphics card update today and done that
I got rid of the System Image again and guess what it happened again.
so back to the partition Wizard to extend C drive 
I have loads of space , but extended C drive to max again
Now it is doing a System image again.
I have not a clue what is going on , but it looks like i will have to go through this Partition Wizard extending every time for some reason and i do apply.
I do not know why it will not hold the information consistantly

All the best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


Hi John

Have looked at the software on link below. It looks like they do trial version. It is supposed to make an image directly to another drive.

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JohnS (Ugawoga)

Hi Bill
Windows 11 has disk imaging capability and it has never let me down on Win 10 and the frst go on 11.
Macrium sotware is also free and is widely loved
This is the first time that i have come accross this peice of software that you have linked.

A full system images shouls load on a new computer as well and that is why i update my images often and when changing a computer it is then not hours of work.
I will have a read of this softaware and thank you for the suggestion

All the best

PS ,if anyone is a computer wizard, i could put up a screenshot of my disk management if it helped..
Something funny is happening because i have all the space needed for a shadow to encompass C drive for making an image.

Latest update 23:04- What a palarva!!

I am not good at concentrating on computer problems ,but today made an exception of the exception.
The Windows management is not very good ,but the mini tool partion wizard free sorted it out
Had to knuckle down and concentrate as i somehow managed to get something mixed up and had a unallocated partition somehow.
So i leanr't to right click on C drive and allocate the 140 mb to take from the unallocated drive and it worked.
Now my partitions, Recovery etc  and C and D drive are all healthy.
I am now running a Windows system image and i can now see the megabytes mounting up in the backup folder. Also things are going a lot faster saving.
In total i have about 1.5 Terrabytes to image, so i will leave it now over night  to do its saving.
That was a sweat!!¬! :P ::)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

I got around the problem only to find another

I made a succsessfull System image but the recovery options went missing in windows 11
I read about 50 horror stories and fixes , but i did not like them.
I had a REAGENTC missing. What the hell is that?? ::) :P

In the end as my PC is working great ,i chanced the bootdisc i made earlier .
Low and behold after the CD ground away in the machine all the recovery options appeared again.
Three hours stuck on a simple solution. :-X >:( :(
I then proved my system image just before recover and then exited feeling happy
I then typed in cmd as administrator and typed in reagentc / info
Yes it is now enabled
hopefully sailing now!!

All the Best
John :)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.