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Firmware 1.10 removes DSP setup

Started by voodoo, Dec 04, 2017, 03:02 AM

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here is a series of screen shots from firmware 1.02. In the DSP selection dialog there is a gear symbol that allows to setup the DSP parameters, even when you have selected several DSPs for one voice. This feature have been removed in firmware 1.10. :(


[attachment deleted by admin]
Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Thank you Uli, your screen shots make it very clear.

This one will go on my list for Yamaha UK if it is not addressed in a subsequent update.


From the voice select panel, go to menu, voice edit and you'll find your gear wheel.


[attachment deleted by admin]


Yes, but this only allows you to edit one of the possibly multiple DSPs assigned to this voice. (As on the mixing screen)
The functionality that was removed in 1.10 was the ability to edit any of the 28 DSPs.  Now in 1.10 some of the DSPs cannot be edited (or saved as User DSPs) when multiple DSPs are assigned to a single voice or style part.  (There is a fuller discussion of this issue in the "Fun with DSPs" thread.)


I haven't done any playing around with it but I'm pretty sure by default there is only 1 dsp assigned to this voice. I'll bet if there were more they'd show up too.


it is exactly as John said. The one DSP assigned to a voice can be edited directly, without using voice edit, for example by clicking on its symbol on the voice hub screen. But when more DSPs are assigned to a voice, only one is editable.
Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


No is not true... All can be editable... in a couple of hours I will arrive at home and I will make screenshots ;) I have 1.10 firmware, indeed, the setup icon is not anymore there, but "detail" screen of assigned DSP it shows when you press on the name of DSP above virtual knob in Effect screen.

I found another bug on Assignment DSP :D
Suppose we edited and saved an DSP to one of three users slots free (suppose it's User 1)... We save the assignment to a channel, Right2 for example and save the registration. If I select another registration with other settings and I came back to this registration, the DSP will shows to Right2  the DSP saved on User 1, but will load default parameters. I have to change From User1 to another User DSP and reselect the User1 DSP... Awsome :D
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: valimaties on Dec 04, 2017, 10:56 AM
No is not true... All can be editable... in a couple of hours I will arrive at home and I will make screenshots ;) I have 1.10 firmware, indeed, the setup icon is not anymore there, but "detail" screen of assigned DSP it shows when you press on the name of DSP above virtual knob in Effect screen.

Yes but that is only true for a single Dsp per voice. When there are say 2 DSP's assigned to a voice there appears to be no way of selecting the second to get to a Detail screen (unless you temporarily assign it to different voice as previously suggested).


Ok. I understand. That's true. But...

You can edit even if you have 10 DSP on the same channel... As a workaround, click on "On" button (switch to Off)... After you switch one of them off, the next which is on is opened automatically. Edit it. Turn it off. It will open the next one that is On. Edit it. Switch it off. And so on ;) All effects will stay on the same channel, edited, but off.. When you end edit, switch back all to On. Now you have all of them active and edited.

Click on image to go to Youtube video :)

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos



yes, that's the only known workaround. Switch all other DPSs off temporarily, then you can edit the remaining one. Seems, we have to live with this. But I hope, they will change it, again.

And another issue: don't use the button "DSP ON/OFF". It will always reassign one DSP to slot 19 for voice Right1, destroying a multiple assign configuration.

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Thanks all for checking.  But I suggest not unassigning the DSP temporarily, as you will lose any current edits. Simply assign the DSP to another part, work on the "now exposed" DSP, and then reassign it to your part when finished. This preserves all your current work.



Quote from: jerrythek on Dec 05, 2017, 01:24 PM
Thanks all for checking.  But I suggest not unassigning the DSP temporarily, as you will lose any current edits. Simply assign the DSP to another part, work on the "now exposed" DSP, and then reassign it to your part when finished. This preserves all your current work.


Jerry... look at the video... nothing is lost... I didn't unassign, it only put it to OFF. Is the only workaround I found and it is quickly. No need to assign to another part. I think is annoying assigning to another part... What do you do if you have all parts assigned?! You have to notice which effect was set to which part... is very annoying...
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


I thought I purchased an Arranger Workstation, not an Arranger Workaround-station.  ;D  Seriously, what is unique here is that we are not requesting a new feature - just restoring a very useful feature of the 1.02 firmware which has disappeared, perhaps unintentionally.


Quote from: valimaties on Dec 05, 2017, 06:28 PM
Jerry... look at the video... nothing is lost... I didn't unassign, it only put it to OFF. Is the only workaround I found and it is quickly. No need to assign to another part. I think is annoying assigning to another part... What do you do if you have all parts assigned?! You have to notice which effect was set to which part... is very annoying...

Ahhh... I see. I responded too quickly. OK, I agree, it's a great workaround. Thanks!



This thread finally describes a way of assigning more than 1 insert dsp to a voice and how to edit the details on them. However that is only part of what is needed. Has anyone discovered how to permanently save multi-DSP's to a voice complete with edits? The most likely way judging from demos is to save the setup in a registration and I have tried this on numerous occasions. Yes the assigned DSP's will stay in the registrations, BUT the edited parameter details for any other than the first DSP are not retained in the Reg if you move to a new registration and come back to it. The best we appear to be able to do is to save edited Parameter Details for only 1 DSP. We can assign extra DSP's and they will be kept in the registration too, but only their default parameters will be applied in the setup. Maybe we are supposed to use the precious User slots in such cases? (Otherwise I don't see much of a need for User slots on Genos any more).
Fine if default values are all that are needed but in practice I find many of the default settings have a minimal effect so edits appear to be desirable in many cases (assuming that multi-DSP's are going to be found  useful for some applications).
Would anyone else care to comment? Many thanks,


Hi John,

this is a very interesting information. I hoped that all DSP parameters would be saved, as there is space in the registration bank file reserved for this. Did you check all freeze group options to save in the registration? Mainly, please try to check the "voice" and "song" options which may be interesting for DSP 1-19.

QuoteEffect Parameter(Insertion1-19) O X X O X - O Effect X X X O Voice

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Hi Uli,
I was using insert DSP's with panel setups so had Style, Voice, Harmony and sometimes Tempo checked. At your suggestion I also ticked Song and tried twice more assigning 2 DSP's to a left hand voice. As expected I had similar results, one of the DSP's would retain my custom settings but the other would always revert to default settings. It makes no difference whether I use legacy in the DSP mix or 100% latest Genos DSP's.



Quote from: jwyvern on Dec 20, 2017, 08:19 AM
Hi Uli,
I was using insert DSP's with panel setups so had Style, Voice, Harmony and sometimes Tempo checked. At your suggestion I also ticked Song and tried twice more assigning 2 DSP's to a left hand voice. As expected I had similar results, one of the DSP's would retain my custom settings but the other would always revert to default settings. It makes no difference whether I use legacy in the DSP mix or 100% latest Genos DSP's.

I experimented such kind of problems.

I don't know exactly when DSP setup come to the default settings back.
My current workaround : my DSP setup is the last thing I do before saving the registration. But I had only one part that required a specific DSP setup.

So, I expect a real patch.


Hi Everyone,

Sorry to resurrect this topic, but as a recent Genos owner, I just started to play with the DSPs and today I encoutered the same bug described in this topic...
When I assign multiple DSPs to the 'Left 1' voice, and tweak each DSP (btw, even with the latest firmware - 1.30 - it still is a pain to do) , when I save the customized voice to a Registration, only the last tweaked DSP retain its detail settings, the other ones revert to their default values...

Did anyone found a way to keep the multiple tweaked dsp values in one registration ?? (not using the very few available 'user DSP slots' )

Thanks !