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Changing volume on a style

Started by Rolf Lindell, Jan 25, 2018, 02:48 AM

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Rolf Lindell

I have downloaded styles from this fantastic site. Now to my problem. Some om the styles doesn't fit my keyboard. The volume is to high. Of course I can lower the volume to a 100 instead of 127. When I save this it stays on, but if I go to variation 2 its to high again. If I change variation 2 to a 100 (left 1) i loose me first change. Does this mean I can't change a downloaded file?



You can fix it with MixMaster from Michael Bedesem  which allow you to set the overall Volumes - the volumes of each stylepart or for each channel seperate.

It is free software 0 I suggest you give it a try.

Regards <> Piet
Yamaha Tyros 4 - Yamaha KX 25 - Gem WSII module


Hi Rolf,

In order to change volume for a style first choose the style to play.
Go to Function TAB and choose the STYLE CREATOR on the first window push which section you want to modify (ex. push Button MAIN A)
On the small window on the screen you can choose NON button section (fill AA) if you want.
Now depress REC to the channel 10 to don't make mistakes.
Push the Mixer button middle on the down left corner of the screen.
Push START/STOP and that section will play continuum or not.
Modify what you want Vol Pan Voice what you want use TAB for other parameters
When you are happy push EXIT and first scree will be again/ TAB until you will see SAVE and you will have that section with all the modification OK
Same for all sections.

PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10



Try my "Style Volume Changer" software at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login


The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999



I am having this huge problem of being unable to change volume of only one section of style on my GENOS. If I change volume of Drumkit in MAIN A, the volume changes in Drumkit  of all rest three -MAIN B MAIN C and MAIN D.

I almost tried everything but failed. Checked the manual but unable to figure it out.

So so frustrating. PLEASE PLEASE HELP. How to change the volume of only one Part

I understand that the same can be achieved through software on PC but I want to do it while sitting on my GENOS. Am not sure how I did it on my T3 but it was there for sure. Just not able to figure out how to do it on GENOS




Just select the style and then go to Style creator. Select the variation you want to alter. Select Drum track and in Menu select Mixer. Alter the volume to what you want and then save as User style.


And if you don't want the hassle of editing and saving styles, it's worth remembering that if you want different levels for style parts and to have them change during a song, then saving the adjusted levels as part of your registrations does the job perfectly. Once my students get above Grade 3, it's the kind of thing that they will taught to do, and I'll then expect them to do it! Revoicing a style and remixing throughout a tune (as well as changing styles) is a great way of making the accompaniment more natural.
It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.

Joe W

Adjusting styles, like many other features of the keyboard, are covered in the Lessons section of the main site.  If you look to Lessons > Tuning > Adjusting Styles, you will find lots of helpful advise.  For changing the volume of just one section of a style without changing the other sections, check out this lesson "Fine Tuning the Volume":



Hi Joe,
  Genos is a little different as to how you select things and do them in some cases.