V-Console for Genos user first impression review

Started by zionip, Sep 23, 2018, 10:24 PM

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To get back to Bachus' question, or at least one of them - how to easily reach the VC screen whilst playing - prompted me to think back when I first saw John Beesley and the V-Console set up with his Tyros 5. He had it on a desktop tablet holder which I think was clamped either to the side of the T5 or the keyboard stand and had an extending arm so it could be angled where you want, it brought the VC very close within easy reach without actually sitting on the keyboard. I had a look on google and there are many different types, try it, you may see something that would clamp on the side or the back of the Genos or the keyboard stand.


Quote from: jwyvern on Aug 26, 2019, 05:19 AM
Hi Pam,
I think the most practical position for the tablet for me is on the music rest, because anywhere else results in covering up useful buttons or sliders on Genos. There is also the need to secure it well enough so it does not flex too badly  when poked with a finger and while the rest is not perfect in this respect it provides better rigidity than other methods I considered (apart from riveting a holder to the top panel of Genos!).
The tablet is rotated so the power button is at bottom right so it is always accessible because the tablet  protrudes about 2.5 inches beyond the end of the rest. This leaves about 18 inches (450mm) of rest to take music, although in my case I hardly ever use it for that. The distance from eyes to tablet (without leaning) is 2ft (600mm) which is OK. It would be nice if the tablet could be within 6-12 inch touching distance for editing but I have not given that priority because am not sure how practical it is to achieve  ;)

Ps the black of Genos does not make for good detail in the photo!

Looks great John..
Also some very nice info in the other post
You don't happen to have a sharable version of the manual in pdf?

By the way, Did anyone else notice the pricedrop on V-console?
This might be the moment to buy one...



Quote from: Bachus on Aug 26, 2019, 02:17 PM

Looks great John..
Also some very nice info in the other post
You don't happen to have a sharable version of the manual in pdf?

By the way, Did anyone else notice the pricedrop on V-console?
This might be the moment to buy one...
Sorry, I only have a hard copy, not a pdf.

There is a price reduction of  £100 but it will only last until tomorrow 27th at 23.59 GMT.



Here is the setup guide and users guide for Vconsole.


[attachment deleted by admin]


I posted notification about the price drop last week, both the downloadable software and the hardware £100 discount finish tomorrow Tuesday 27th August. Absolutely the time to buy Bachus if you're sure, why not speak to him about it first, his number is on his website. Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login   


Thank you Gérard.

It is not clear from  your posts whether one of your main goals is to use VC while playing out. Although I don't do so myself I think it unwise to consider this until you you have gained experience in how VC reacts to your work flow and general use in the home or studio. I find VC can suddenly switch (in say a quarter or worse of my sessions connected to Genos) to a "hanging note mode" in mid play. Quickly touching the dedicated Reset icon temporarily stops the hang, but usually once hangs occur they keep repeating and the only cure to normality is to reboot VC. Frustrating at home but not acceptable while performing live I think .............
Just a friendly heads up  :)





Oh my! Thank you Pam and John.
I play out and that would not work for me at all.



Quote from: jwyvern on Aug 27, 2019, 03:11 AM
Thank you Gérard.

It is not clear from  your posts whether one of your main goals is to use VC while playing out. Although I don't do so myself I think it unwise to consider this until you you have gained experience in how VC reacts to your work flow and general use in the home or studio. I find VC can suddenly switch (in say a quarter or worse of my sessions connected to Genos) to a "hanging note mode" in mid play. Quickly touching the dedicated Reset icon temporarily stops the hang, but usually once hangs occur they keep repeating and the only cure to normality is to reboot VC. Frustrating at home but not acceptable while performing live I think .............
Just a friendly heads up  :)


I dont play out, anymore..
Just at home...

I guess that makes an issue like this not less frustrating..

However often hanging notes come from bad midi cables, especially 5 pin din ones..
Because the note hangs when there is no note off received..

Another wellknown issue is timing issues with a usb port.
When another usb accesoire takes priority above your midi device..

I am currently having another question after reading the manuals i was send..
- the v-console uses the external controller option in the midi setting to communicate with genos
- my mfc 10 pedal uses the same external controller setting..
I can't find wether its possible to connect 2 external controllers to the genos (one on midi2 and the other on USB.. any help here would be very very welcome