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Will T5 Styles play on a T4?

Started by Halesowen Kid, Sep 13, 2018, 01:45 AM

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Halesowen Kid

Hi Guys,

Please forgive me if the question has been asked in the past.....

Can I play T5 Styles on my T4?

Thank you in advance.



Dick Rector

Most will do without a problem. I have even Genos styles playing on a PSR S950. If a voice is not available on the target keyboard it will not sound or is replaced by a substitute.
Sometimes you need a bit of 'tweaking' but I find that part of the fun having an arranger.

PSR-2000 and PSR-S950


If you're buying a style file from Yamaha MusicSoft and there are both "XT4" and "XT5" versions available for it, you'd be best off buying the "XT4" version since it would be optimized for the Tyros4, whereas the "XT5" version might use Voices which are available on the Tyros5 but not on the Tyros4.

You could also use anything lower-- "XT3," "XT2," "XT," "XA," or "General MIDI"-- but you'd probably want to edit the style after buying it to use the best-sounding Voices which your Tyros4 has available.

If there is no "XT4" or lower version available, you can buy the "XT5" or "G1" version, but you might need to edit the file to ensure that it doesn't try to use Voices which aren't available on the Tyros4.

The preceding is also true for any styles you might download for free when Yamaha offers them, or styles posted to the PSR Tutorial site and forum-- anything intended for the Tyros4 should be able to be used as is, whereas anything intended for a higher or lower model will most likely have to be revoiced as needed.


What styles are present in the Tyros 5 not in the Tyros 4 ? Does anyone have the Tyros 5 factory styles for download ?

Ryszard Bieszczad

The T5 styles you have here:
These are pre-defined styles.
A day without making music is a lost day :)


Hi musicalmemoriesuk,

to download the T5 Preset Styles click on each Style Category (such as BALLAD, BALLROOM and so on) at the linked T5 Style site. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)