midi foot controller with s970

Started by g9j, Sep 13, 2018, 02:51 AM

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I like some advice on this matter!
I perform with a S970...as a one man act. I want to take it a step further
where I wish to play a style progression triggering chords from a midi foot pedal.
this is because I want to play a guitar solo while using the keyboard style.

So it's like this.. Im singing and and playing the keyboard and then for a certain part I continue playing the style with the foot pedal while I play a guitar solo and then i go back to the keyboard.

For example i would like to assign c major chord to the C button and Am chord to the A button and so on
Is this possible?

Which midi foot controller will work? I geuss it has to be polyphonic
Which midi editor will make this process simpler
looking forward to inputs




I don't pretend to know about MIDI controllers in general, so I'm unable to comment on the feasibility of what you would like to achieve, I'm afraid. My experience is limited to using the MFC10 controller with the S970: I have written an article about that combination, which in part discusses what I have found it possible to do with the MFC10 (and also refers to the available possibilities with the S970). I also discuss (in Appendix 1) the use of foot pedals in general, including their use for switching registrations.

If you feel that any of that might be helpful, you can read the article by following this link (and also download a pdf version of it, if you wish, by following the link in the first paragraph of the article itself):


Perhaps that might help you a little, if only to give you somewhere to start.     8)

"Don't only practise your art, but force your way into its secrets."
Ludwig van Beethoven


Thank you very much for the information!


Don't know about the foot controller.

You could use the Song creator where you can step or live record your music. This way you can have both hands free to play the right hand parts then pick up your guitar to play the solo and back. I used this method so I can play my flute or recorder. Look in the Manuel and the reference Manuel that you can down load from Yamaha wed site.



Thanks Ajag I will try it out!
I also got my hands on a Boss 1180 recorder and it is quit easy to use live, though i'm still experimenting  :)


Get yourself a Roland PK5 midi foot controller , simple to use and your hands free !!
You would have to do the midi setup in your Psr 970 to allow the Pk5 to control your chording on the Psr 970 !!

Joe H

You might try the new MIDI Maker software that allows you to create chords in a MIDI song file that will then control the style you are playing on the keyboard.


Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:  http://psrtutorial.com/music/articles/dancemusic.html


Quote from: jeep4446 on Sep 20, 2018, 09:52 AM...
Get yourself a Roland PK5 midi foot controller , simple to use and your hands free !!
You would have to do the midi setup in your Psr 970 to allow the Pk5 to control your chording on the Psr 970 !!

Hi g9j,

as described by "jeep4446" here, you can use a MIDI foot pedal (normally used to play Bass notes) to trigger the chords on S970.

When fingering mode is set to "Multi Finger" OR "Single Finger", you can play a Major chord by pressing only ONE key on the pedal and play a Minor or Seventh chord by pressing TWO keys on the pedal (the root key and the nearest black respectively white key to the left of the root key).

(Maybe some of these "two key" chords can be played with only ONE foot, but in some cases you will have to use BOTH feet. ;))

In S970 MIDI Setup please go to "Chord Detect" tab and make the proper settings (used MIDI Port and MIDI Channel for the MIDI foot pedal). Then press Exit, tab to User drive and SAVE your User MIDI Setup with a new file name.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)