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George Shearing sound in Genos Ensemble

Started by Kaarlo von Freymann, Sep 05, 2018, 08:00 PM

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Kaarlo von Freymann

Here is an exellent short Genos demo using Lullaby of Birdland

What you need is a piano, a vibraphone and an electric guitar and I believe  playing with keyboard harmony in Ensemble mode would give the most authentic result. I could get that kind on a YAMAHA keyboard, cannot remember which one, e.g. the block harmony with the voices used by the Shearing Quintett.  But unlike the excellent Glenn Miller emulations with harmonies played by woodwind and brass voices  I  have not been  able to find a suitable guitar, piano and vibraphone voice  in the Ensemble  section. There is a vibraphone but no piano voice and the guitarvoice is not like the one you need for the typical "Shearing-Sound".  (I like the fact that YAMAHA did not waste resources on the  absolutely stunning pictures  illustrating Ensemble settings on Tyros 5. Yamaha also saved on the Genos welcome screen compared to Tyros 5 and  IMHO could have done that on the main page instrument pictures also)

"Lullaby od Birdland" and "I remember April"  by Geoege Shearing
are just as iconic as "Take Five" by Brubeck

Anybody found a good  "Shearing Ensemble" solution ?





CFX Concert Grand
Jazz Artist Guitar

Chord Block on right one.


Alternatively known as OTS1 on the AcousticJazz style (or 1 or 2 others) or variations thereof ;)



I don't really understand why Ensemble mode can only pick from a small set of 'ensemble' voices. The keyboard is doing the clever part of assigning voices to notes, why can't it just use any voice I wonder?


If you set the normal harmony (ie. not in ensemble mode) to Multi, you will get any 3 RH voices each playing different notes within the Harmony set. With trio R1 plays melody, R2 and 3 play the other 2 notes.
With 4 note harmony R1 plays melody plus a harmony note, leaving the other 2 voices to each play the other 2 notes.
And with Block R1 will play melody plus 2 harmony notes with the other 2 voices providing the balance. In addition you can turn off one or two of the RH  voices and the Harmony notes will be shared differently.
So it's not only in ensemble that the Harmony can be "clever enough" to sort out the  voices, in this case normal voices.


Kaarlo von Freymann

Thanks to all of you for your  immediate help.

Sorry I somehow got the wrong address on the Shearing sound demo by Tony, the correct one is

BTW Tony of Bonner's Music has a lot of videos featuring excellent registrationd on the Genos.  I would have been grateful for the exact set up info.

Also A & C Hamilton's demo  is excellent and the comments posted correspond to what has been so heately discussed on this site.  Hope pianoman reads this.

Will to-morrow  be "Shearing" all the knowlwedge you shared. Thanks.




Hi Kaarlo,
   Tony is using Acoustic Jazz style and the OTS settings. Try it and you will see.