Genos to PSR S770

Started by Henni, Sep 18, 2018, 05:31 PM

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Hi all

By combining the latest version of Mix Master with the last version of MidiPlayer and by using Revo Drum Cleaner, I was able to come up with a much more accurate direct Genos to PSR S770 style conversion - start off by auditioning the "Dance" category to see exactly what I mean.

Others are still working hard to optimize the Genos conversions fully and this is in no wise intended to be a replacement for that. However, this allows for a much improved version in the interim.

Find them at my styles page.

All the best,

...Fly Forever!

Ed B

Keep on learning


Thanks, Henni.
I will try those styles on my S770, ASAP!!!


You are AMAZING Henni!!! Thank you very much for your great work :D
vl4dimir99 (LDVladut)


Hi Henni, great work on the collection; all the best Patrick