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Ensemble voices on Genos

Started by rattley, Jun 30, 2018, 04:35 PM

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This is an example of the string quartet.  It gives me goose bumps !!!

I accidently posted this in the wrong place.  -charley

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I'm also including the MIDI file it was recorded with.  Genos users will appreciate this most!!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi Charlie,
Excellent example of what the new Genos ensemble voices can sound like.
Do you mind telling me the name of the song you were using?
I thought I recognized it, but I don't know the name.





I knew someone would ask..........and I don't have clue.  I think it's part of a song maybe??  Many of the songs I play just come out of nowhere.  When I audition a style sometimes it is very clear what song will work.  Gary Diamond once told me of this neat exercise.  Play the same melody over a whole bank of styles.  You might pick up on an entirely different instrumentation.  Just because something is "unconventional" doesn't mean it is bad..........especially in music!!  Thanks for listening.  -charley




Thanks. Which style is used for this?