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Genos or Tyros 5

Started by Shadow, Aug 03, 2018, 12:01 PM

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 What is the price of both and what one is better?

               Thanks Shadow


These keyboards are complex, containing thousands of sounds, and many features.
It is not a simple binary answer...
Many sounds are similar, some are better, perhaps a few are actually not better. Overall, though, the latest version, will be better.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.

Toril S

The Genos is lighter than the Tyros 5, has a touchscreen and new features that the Tyros doesn't have. People are very satisfied with both instruments, so it is up to you what suits your needs the best. Good luck choosing!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Lee Batchelor


Shadow, what will you be using your keyboard for? Gigs, general home enjoyment, heavy use at home and with gigs? What type of music do you want to play? If your style is heavy on rhythm, like EDM or some similar style, then Genos is the answer. Tyros 5 is still a very capable board, but its sound processors lag behind the Genos. The Genos is easier to use for live playing IMHO, as well. It's much lighter and has a touch screen that works very well, providing you're not playing outside :(.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hard to say which one is better, IMHO.

Both high end keyboards are manufactured by Yamaha, World's Arranger Keyboard Leader.

The Tyros5 ( 2013 ) is the last Tyros and out of production.

The Genos is a 76 keys ( only ) brand new model launched in 2017 and the Tyros ( 5 ) successor.

I wonder if Yamaha will ever launch the Tyros brand name again ?



Lee Batchelor

QuoteI wonder if Yamaha will ever launch the Tyros brand name again ?

I've heard that it will be out soon. It will be called the Geros......just pulling your chain, Babette :)! Interesting question though.

I suspect the future will reveal a top end arranger but with more Montage-like abilities. For example, proper DAW integration. The Montage has a few screens dedicated to talking nice to Cubase. Very slick!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Hi Lee :

Would it be a bad idea if Yamaha should introduce a 61 key silver grey arranger keyboard with the Genos2 technology - no touch screen ( but tiltable ) -, Tyros speaker set and stand,  at a lower price and call it :  " New Tyros " ?

Lee Batchelor

Great idea. Yamaha is full of surprises. Time will tell :).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Aug 03, 2018, 03:07 PM

Shadow, what will you be using your keyboard for? Gigs, general home enjoyment, heavy use at home and with gigs? What type of music do you want to play? If your style is heavy on rhythm, like EDM or some similar style, then Genos is the answer. Tyros 5 is still a very capable board, but its sound processors lag behind the Genos. The Genos is easier to use for live playing IMHO, as well. It's much lighter and has a touch screen that works very well, providing you're not playing outside :(.

OT   Lee, you actually DID what I would have liked to have done... created a sub woofer.. very cool
Question... I have been searching for reasons to buy genos... and I am, an on the fly kind of guy... t4, is hell, with the on the fly part.
So how is Genos better suited for "on the fly", "on stage".... changing voices, changing other parameters during performance? I thought the assignable button aspect could help with this. But i am slow in understanding ... so any real world commentary you can offer would be appreciated.

What about "is heavy on rhythm, like EDM or some similar style"... what does Genos provide that moves one more easily in the EDM direction?
One of the biggest reasons I bought the T4 was the rhythm of the drum grooves, or whatever you care to label them.
Genos and Tyros are an amazing compilation of a large library of USEABLE drum grooves and drum sounds. The other day, I tried, on the fly, the Turkish dance grooves, and they were a hit, so to speak.
I know of no other comprehensive library of fills, and beats that cover so many styles, so effectively.
Though no one responded to my Hora beat inquiry :P
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.

harry t

Genos is a better keyboard. It is lighter than tyros 5 and has better sound quality.The question is whether it is worth the extra you have to pay to exchange. overall I would say probably not although I did. It comes down to individual choice.

harry t


Earlier this year I looked seriously at upgrading to either a preowned Tyros 5, or a new Genos, from the S770.

Now if money were not a consideration, of course I would have bought Genos. But while I could have done that, I don't have quite enough money in the bank to not have to think about it carefully first. Pricewise, the cost to change to the Tyros was less than half the cost to change to the Genos. So I had to look carefully at the differences between them, to see whether I felt I could justify the higher price.

My local dealer had both Genos and preowned Tyros 5 on display so I spent some time with them both. For me, personally, I could not find a compelling reason for the Genos over the Tyros. The sound on Genos may be a little clearer, but I think the main difference between the two is the Genos touch screen and live control section. This wasn't a big deal for me since I'm not a big fan of touch screens, and I bought an inexpensive MIDI controller with knobs and sliders which can do the parts of Live Control that I want to (reverb depth, filter, resonance). I only use it at home, so weight wasn't an issue, and the deal included the 1GB flash memory.

So I went with Tyros 5-76, because there was enough improvement from S770, and I felt the Genos improvements over that were marginal to me.

Just to be clear, I am not Genos bashing, I thought Genos was a beautiful instrument - in my position I could not justify the higher price, but I don't criticise anyone who can. Maybe when Genos v2 comes out I will trade my T5 to a Genos v1 ...


Thanks, Derek!

Tyros 5 is a very respectable professional keyboard. I play Genos, but many of the voices that I gravitated to are also on T5.

Can't go wrong either way -- pj


Hi PJ,

Thanks for your wise conclusion ! 👍


I totally agree with PJD.  I bought up to Genos, but still had a fondness for Tyros 5. I needed to sell it.

If $$$ is an issue for you the Tyros 5 is still a great investment. It's resale value is the  highest of any of the Tyros's. My experience is each success top end arranger kbd by Yamaha is an incremental improvement.  Depending on your experience one might say each newer model is maybe 20% better. (some will say higher or lower).. The Genos, is most drastic, because of touch faceplate.

But I did enjoy all the buttons on T5, which allowed immediate interaction, not having to page thru a screen or two to get to the program, feature I wanted.

If you can afford the Genos - go for it.. There is also the thrill of having the 'latest and greatest'.  But I don't think you will be disappointed with Tyros 5.  If you can get access, you have to decide for yourself however.

I think almost all users, will agree, once they get used to Genos, they like it better.

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: harry t on Aug 04, 2018, 03:44 AM
Genos .... is lighter than tyros 5 and has better sound quality.The question is whether it is worth the extra you have to pay to exchange. ... Overall I would say probably not although I did.....

harry t

Hi Harry,
feel very much like you.  The lighter weight and the sliders to some degree were what made me switch. Am eagerly awaiting 1.4 to get rid of some not so good implementations on Genos I am still struggling with.



Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: DerekA on Aug 04, 2018, 06:40 AM

....My local dealer had both Genos and preowned Tyros 5 on display so I spent some time with them both. For me, personally, I could not find a compelling reason for the Genos over the Tyros. The sound on Genos may be a little clearer, but I think the main difference between the two is the Genos touch screen and live control section. This wasn't a big deal for me since I'm not a big fan of touch screens, ....

So I went with Tyros 5-76, because there was enough improvement from S770, and I felt the Genos improvements over that were marginal to me.....

Hi Derek A,
I really enjoy reading posts that are reflective and not just "there is no space for bills in my coffin" and the like of stuff I cannot associate with just like "I always want and buy the latest" which seems to be a prevailing attitude with to-day's consumers. Latest car, latest phone, latest everything. The marketing is all about other things than the product: "Buy the new Nokia, it will impress your friends" >:(
YAMAHA' excellent marketing has been able to create an "Emperor's new clothes" syndrome that  makes me feel uneasy. Posters claim the Genos keys are a huge improvement though they are  actually the same since Tyros 1. I know because my Genos now has the  weighted keys I made for Tyros 1  16 years ago;D. Where it not for the fact that I could use the same keys  on my Genos I would not even have considered buying a Genos.  I know YAMAHA  used very good plastic then; and I believe they still do.




Kaarlo, you might be just a wee bit disappointed in me to learn that one of the reasons I decided not to spend the extra £2000 on Genos was so that I could buy a new iPhone, which I did yesterday ...  :)

You pay your money, you make your choice.

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: DerekA on Aug 11, 2018, 03:15 PM
Kaarlo, you might be just a wee bit disappointed in me to learn that one of the reasons I decided not to spend the extra £2000 on Genos was so that I could buy a new iPhone, which I did yesterday ...  :)

You pay your money, you make your choice.

Dear DerekA,

Not any reason whatsoever to be disappointed :) :) :) :)  On the contrary: Allocation of one's means is intelligent if one reaches the same degree of satisfaction in every "department",  i.e. has understood the law of diminishing return. Studying economics I was taught "Marginal utility"  is the additional satisfaction  that a consumer gets from a purchase. The concept implies that the utility of a product is inversely related to the number of units of that product or a similar products he already owns. 
You felt the additional satisfaction you would get from the new phone was greater than the additional satisfaction you would get from a new keyboard.  So you made a perfectly rational decision.  One could even say if someone buys the Genos because he is being told that will impress his friends that is rational in case they are impressed. If not he was fooled.

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Having 5 gigs with the Genos this month. It makes me sad that some enthusiastic "Genos-members"  are under the impression I am ANTI-Genos. I am not,  but I am not blind either.




Fred Smith

Quote from: Kaarlo von Freymann on Aug 12, 2018, 05:35 AM

Having 5 gigs with the Genos this month. It makes me sad that some enthusiastic "Genos-members"  are under the impression I am ANTI-Genos. I am not,  but I am not blind either.

Then why are all your posts anti-Genos? And when someone points this out, you try to shame them as being too "enthusiastic". Why? Why do you always have to put other members down?

Sorry you're sad, but the cure is in your hands.

Hope this helps,
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred,
  Sad to say I agree with you. If we have a problem then we post it and are grateful for any help we get. Why is there need to bring past comments into it.

Al Ram

Quote from: EileenL on Aug 12, 2018, 09:52 AM
If we have a problem then we post it and are grateful for any help we get.

thanks to this forum.  I have managed to have a solution to almost every question i have posted here and I am extremely helpful.  I have certainly solved every problem with my Tyros and Genos keyboards as well as iPads, SongBook+ so on and so forth.     This forum is great.  !!!! The collective knowledge of this forum has no par.

thanks again. 
San Diego/Tijuana

Mark Z.

We have a strange situation today .
I remember that Kaarlo wrote a few weeks ago in one of his message
" .....that is why I did not buy a Genos  "

I could not find that message back which means to me that you deleted
these words .

You were lost in your negative fanatsy and tried to repair
the situation .

But today I read that you have 5 gigs with your Genos .

You were lying in that first message or now in this last message .

Which means you were lying in one of these messages .

I think you do not have a Genos and these 5 gigs are fantasy .




Here we go again ;-) .... is a contribution in Songs from Members. Very applicable ...
It was an interesting post ... till#14  >:(

Talking about 'how sad' ... it is sad to be involuntary confronted (again) with a few 'grumpy old man' who don't like each other. Luckily the forum has 5000 members from who the very very most just talk about their common interest and are able to discuss topics in a civil manner and leave another in his/her value.
Also not so respectful to the OP.

Nuf said, maybe  I had to keep silent  ;)
My best regards,