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tyros 5 help re styles

Started by Musicman123, Aug 01, 2018, 01:30 PM

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Hi everone I need some advice . I downloaded  a nice style for STILL GOT THE BLUES FOR YOU , and the intro is perfect except the drum parts are to loud in places , I want to know how to lowe the drum section without effecting the other backing sounds , I will tell you Im not a wiz kid at this so easy instructions would be great , hope someone can help



Hi, the best way is to modify this style with style creator using the mixer to make drums lower, modify or remove effects, and save the style with the new parameters.
Seagull29 from Germany


Thanks Seagull I will try and do that but as I said Ive not got a clue where to start

Yours Stuart


DO you want to post the style and I can maybe fix it for you.

I ought to do some videos on how to do this sort of thing but I don't have one of those easy to use Cell phones. We just have a regular camera but you can take short movies with it I think of sorts.

Now see i am needing to so learn something I don't have a clue about. It's a vicious circle .. lol


Stuart, as you usually regulate the volume in the Mixing Console, so you do it.
Just that you press the Style Creator button first.
The most important thing is the Save button in the Style Creator when you're done.


Thanks Drake I will do that



Hi, Wersianer is right but he forgets to say that you must do this for each part of style (Intros, Main, Fill, Break and Endings). And overall, don't forget to save your style after every modification.
Seagull29 (from Germany now)


Hi Drake hope you get this , not sure what Im doing ?


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Drake its nice to hear the opening guitar riff at the begining of this styl even that is a bit quiet , then as you get into the style the drums becme over powering , Hope you can help , and thank you



Hi Stuart,

I have modified the levels in your style to suit my preferences!  However these may not be yours! For example I don't like either drums or bass to be too heavy.

I have reduced the level of the drums, bass and a couple of other parts in all style sections. I have also increased the level of the guitar riff (Phr2 part) in Intro3 and Ending3. 

As I said, this may not be exactly what you would like, which is why it is well worth investing a bit of time in learning how to do it yourself.  Then you can get just what you want taking into account the settings and response of your particular keyboard and speaker system.



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Why don't you make an effort and try to learn how to do this.

It's in all the books and best on "PSR Tutorials"

It's just basic stuff, when you get it you'll think why you didn't before.

Over 500 posts and can't change a volume in a style,  😱



Hi Stuart,

Looks like Ian beat me to adjusting the style for you.

It sounds very good to me, check it out and let us know what you think of it. ;)

I wasn't familiar with this Gary Moore blues tune but I hope to add to my gigs as well.



Thanks Ian and drake . I cant wait to tryit out , I agreee I should spend time learning this stuff but Im not that technical and Im scared I might mess things up , I will look at the tutorials too , Thanks again you all a great help .
And Drake Gary moore has some great music to play



Hi Pino thanks for the advice I will get stuck into it all . Mind you Im getting on a bit now so hardr to learn stuff , I will let you know how I get on , I would love to do more on the keyboard with the mixing desk



You can download  this from my account.
It also includes how you can alter/change a style to what ever you want.
To any one else who has an older Yamaha this will help on keyboards going back to mid 90,s

I have it on my Ipad, both the MP3 and MP4, the reason being the MP3 does not use much power and after watching the video/MP4 a few times, I can easily visualize the video,  just listening  to the MP3.

CREATING STYLES - TUT FOR YAMAHA ARRANGER TYROS AND PSR-S .mp4 about 20 minutes.76.2 MB. The video.

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

CREATING STYLES - TUT FOR ALL YAMAHA TYROS AND PSR-S .mp3 about 20 minutes    15.1 MB. The audio.

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
I Believe in the K.I.S.S. Principle.

          There is no cloud. It is storage space
                     on someones computer.


Mikk, a great idea


Couldn't you just ZIP that as many members will not have an account with MEGA

and probably could not be bothered to creat an account.


Roger Brenizer

The maximum allowable single file upload to the forum is 7 MB's, no matter what the file format.  Mike's (Mikk) files are too large to attach to the forum.

I have a MEGA account, but you don't need an account to download files from MEGA, unless they have recently changed their policy.

To reiterate, you may upload 6 files no larger than 7 MB's each and a maximum of 42 MB's in a single post.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Thank you Roger.
I could not have said your words any better.

You are correct Roger,  anyone can download from Mega if you have the right key.
You don't  need an account to do it.

On that note,  if you have problems not being able to download with the  key, just copy it and paste into your browser outside of the forum.   
I Believe in the K.I.S.S. Principle.

          There is no cloud. It is storage space
                     on someones computer.


I tried again
It redirected to the MEGA app
it downloaded with no problems.

And a very good tutorial on recording style sections/parts



Hi Ian the new still go the blues for you is fantastic thanks , I must try and larn how to do it . the ballance is great



Hi Tyrosarus Ian   the still got the blues style is great thanks , would it be possible to tell me where on the tyros 5 you went to do what you did in easy step by step instruction , I had a look using the mixing desk and could not work it out , hope you can help no problem if Im asking to much

Yours Stuart

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: DrakeM on Aug 01, 2018, 09:38 PM
DO you want to post the style and I can maybe fix it for you.....

Hi Drake,
Am I really the only one who feels a good style must be at least 4 bars long. Yamaha has given us fantastic intros and endings, some  are 8 bars long. Some Genos and Tyros styles like many PSR 570 styles are so good because they do not keep repeating everything after one or two bars. No good trio or big band does that. Are most keyboard players content with one and two bar styles  because to-day's music is what it is, extremely repeatative? 
Would you be able to make 8 bar styles with for instance a drum kick in the 8th bar on var 1 and a guitar kick in in variation 2 and so on ? Of course that is a waste of time if the majority is happy with one bar styles like we had them over 40 years ago.

