How to use a style

Started by Rolf Lindell, Apr 30, 2018, 10:17 AM

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Rolf Lindell

First of all. Thank you very much for the chans to download various styles. It has opened up a new world to me.

I am not a computer wizard but I have noticed that some of the files I have downloaded sounds not right on my keyboard, I have a PSR S770. I was under the believe that styles for Tyros 1-3 was going to work just fine.

You have been talking on this forum a lot of tweeking styles. I don't understand this. Can anyone try to explain this to me. (and of course how to do it)

It is a fantastic forum. May it live for ever


Hi Rolf,

In my experience almost every style you download that someone other than Yamaha (or some other pay site has created), you will need to tweak it. Even the custom styles that I create and share here at the forum you would need to tweak it.

In fact I have to tweak every style to get it correct for the way I use the keyboard in order to perform live.

In my case, I am a singer and use the styles to accompany my vocals. The first thing I do is to turn the STYLE master volume level down from 100 to just 68. The reason is, I plug my mic into the keyboard in order to use the Vocal Harmonizer. If I where to leave the Volume of the style at 100, my vocals could not be heard over the music, even if I set it at 127. Also with the vocal set maxed at 127, it would be topping out and coming out of the speakers distorted.

Because I turn the master Style volume down to 68, that means I have to also lower the all my OTS as well, to about 65 in each one. But I always have one of my Main parts of the style set up to do the instrumental section of the song. The OTS setting of that Main will have that instrument's volume turned up to about 75, as it is the Lead instrument doing the instrumental section.

As most folks play just the keyboard and do not sing and leave the Master Style volume set at 100, they probably wonder why my OTS are always set so low and have to tweak all the OTS setting up. 

So, this is just one example, as everyone plays the keyboard differently.

There are many players who use Registrations and do not use the style directly as I do. They do all their tweaking in the Registration to make the style sound correct. So when they pass the style on to you, you are receiving the same mess they were handed and now you get to tweak it your way. ;D



These styles made in different models Rolf, so when they play to your newer keyboard doesn't always sound good for some reasons as Drake said.
Tyros (1 May 2002)
Tyros 2 (21 June 2005)
Tyros 3 (17 April 2008)
PSR-S770 (2015)
13 years of progress between Tyros 1 and s770.
If Tyros 5 sounded like Tyros 1 why anybody would buy the expensive one? ;D

Here is what you can do.

a) You can use style creator to change the voices(sounds) of the parts of a style.
eg.change the Grand Piano with warm Grand in the chord part of the style.

b) While you are in style creator, call up the mixing console and change the volumes and the effects for each part.
e.g. add brightness to a part of a style,some pan to other so you can hear it mostly on on left speaker(panpot),
lower the volume of rhythm 2 part,
add reverb to a piano part, etc

c) Use the assembly function of style creator to add a part from another style.
e.g replace the bass pattern of the Main A from Hardrock style with the bass pattern from Main C of the PowerRock style.

d)Record a pattern on your own.
e.g Record your own pattern for the bass of Main A instead of replacing it with something else.

That way you have a style that is sound good on your model without making one from the scratch which is pretty difficult.
The same you can do with the preset styles of s770.

Maybe it is time consuming some times but take it also as an excersice about mixing sounds, understanding and distinquish what every organ is playing in the style because you focus to hear them if they sound right,
learning the different types of effects that will also bring life to the right/left hand voices, etc  :)
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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But how do you select a Channel without getting a message saying
You need to delete the Data.
Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


That message does appear if you want to change the actual notes in any of the parts. But the kind of tweaks people are talking about here are to change voices, volumes, etc. This lesson on this site is a good place to start.


Here's what I want to do
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Norman Fernandez Keyboardplayer

PSR S770 - Roland FP 30 - PSR 280
Cubase - Kontakt6


So I think you want to overdub control changes onto an existing style part. Not sure if this answers your question or not, but ....

The reference manuals say "When creating a Style based on an existing internal Style, overdub recording is applied only to the rhythm channels. For all other channels (except rhythm), you need to delete the original data before recording."
