
Started by ekurburski, Jul 19, 2018, 03:00 PM

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n a recent demo    of the Geno's I was blown away by the demo of the steel guitar mega voice or super voice or some kind of voice.  Any way the question is, Is that voice available on any other model, like the s975?

Also, seeing as how I can't get another kb for some time any ideas of how I might be able to come close on my 3000?


If you mean the Pedal Steel Guitar on the Genos, it is a new sound only found on the Genos keyboard. It will probably be included on the next keyboard released in the PSR line.

As far as sounding like this video:

You will need to learn use the "Wheel" over there on your left side on your keyboard. You might want to watch the video with the sound off and observe how the guy moves his left hand from the Chord position over to the Wheel and then back again to the Chord position. I play the keyboard with the "One Finger" mode, which makes it much easier to get my hand over to the wheel and back again. Also I play all my songs in the key of "C" and transpose into the key I want to sing the song. Note that the first note next to the Wheel is a "C" key (right next to where you need to be.)

Also add more REVERB and/or ECHO to your Pedal Steel Guitar voice that you are using.

Hope this gives you some ideas of how to start working on improving you Pedal Steel Guitar sound. ;)
