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Drum setup - some screens in my vision

Started by valimaties, Jul 20, 2018, 02:35 PM

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Hi all.

I have made some screen captures in Drum Setup of Genos, to be able to edit them and make some "photo-tweeks", that Yamaha programmers could understand.
So, as we know, those three buttons, "Kit", "Category" and "Instruments" are only single-click(able) buttons, which it only select the button. I think all of you have asked yourselves why they don't made double click event to those buttons and to show some selection screens, don't you?! (or when you simple touch the button)
As it is build the OS of Genos, and from its interfaces (windows), I have made two of them with my wishes (I hope Yamaha will find it as a good idea)

Picture 1: Selection of kits window, after a double click on the button (or single click):

Picture 2: Setting the name of elements in uvf (for expert users) we should see the name we put there in the "Instrument" window, and in the "label" of Instrument button

As you can see, YEM can read the tags changed manually in the uvf, but the keyboard does not! It will show only those "--C-1--","-- Eb2 --" etc

PS: I have send already a mail to Yamaha with this pictures...

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
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Vali Maties - Genos