File structure User Drive?

Started by ton37, Aug 04, 2018, 03:25 PM

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Hi, I don't see the file stucture in the Genos'-display. I can only see them when I have hooked the Genos to the computer. They are hidden in the Genos-display. I guess The 'Expansion' and 'System' are not allowed to change/delete.

When I save a 'registration' in the user drive, I cannot place it in the Map 'registrations', not showing that map on display? Or I have to make another (double named) map 'Registrations'?? Mmm..

So I'm wondering why this is done?. Most maps are momentairly empty (except the 'Expansion' and 'registriation')

[attachment deleted by admin]
My best regards,

Fred Smith

What do you mean by "map"? Do you mean folder?

And, when you save a registration, it's automatically saved to the Registration folder.
When you save a style, it's automatically saved to the Styile folder.
When you save a multipad, it's automativpcally saved to the Multi Pad folder.

Get the picture?

You can have as many sub-folders as you like, but the top level folder is pre-set.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks Fred, i get the picture now ;) However I whish to save a complete song in one folder, including Style, Registers, and paticular pads.
I guess I have to make a new Folder, like 'Repertoir', with subfolders A,B,C etc. on the USer-USB. I will try this, but I understand that I have to leave the Preset Folderstructure untouched

Btw. using a USB-stick of course can be done too, but I whish getting to know the Preset-Folder structure on the User-USB ;)
My best regards,


Hi ton37 --

Many of us would like to do the same thing -- store all elements of a Song together, one Song to one folder on the USER drive. Unfortunately, this is not possible with the current USER folder structure.

All the best -- pj


 just read a post about the hidden Folder strucure on the userdrive from @Stijn, which explanation helped me to get this issue clear for me. Thanks anyway
My best regards,