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Genos Playlist score

Started by Oxford1035, Jul 05, 2018, 05:48 PM

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I've finally got round to having a look at the playlist. Now l have it's raised the following question. l was looking at one of the demo tunes, More than words, which is a tune l quite like, but didn't have the music for. l found the score of it in the playlist. Above the first note on the score is a red dot. Is there a way of having the score follow you as you play rather than have to change the page number by using the arrows on the touch screen?

The other thing l noticed is the tune is written in something like the key of B if l remember correctly. l tried to change the key signature and all it did was change the signature at the start of the tune, but the rest of the music remained in the key of B.

l searched both the instruction and reference manuals online, but can't find anything that mentions either of my questions.

Hoping one of you knowledgeable people will have the answers.

Kind regards,
