Does the Yamaha genos also have a built-in audio interface like montage?

Started by mstone73, Jun 25, 2018, 02:16 AM

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I think Yamaha considers that works on digital sounds must be done on an external PC and then integrated on Genos through Yem or wave files stored on USB.

On the other hand, the digital output allows to export results with a good quality .

As a big number of Genos users want to seat and play, it seems to me to be a good combination for the price.



It's been a few years since this topic was discussed.  Are there any rumors that:
1.  Yamaha plans to add audio interface capability Genos?
2.  Is it even possible through a firmware update?

Thank You
Tony O.
Singer, Keyboard Player, One Man Band
Yamaha Genos
Bose L1 Pro 16's


Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
My You Tube Channel :


even just having a limited form of audio over usb would have been so useful.

For example just having ability to OUTPUT audio only would be so useful because providing it supported say 8 stereo output channels , these could be used to route all the style parts directly onto separate MIDI tracks in a DAW -  and thus allow the future "Genos 2" to be used as a SOUND MODULE!

Given that its quite a task to get VST instruments to sound just like the style parts- and given no XG or Genos compatible software sound module or VST exists - even via HALION - being able to use a Yamaha arranger as a sound module comes in extra useful when one needs to combine all the STYLE midi data with additional tracks in a DAW - add vocal recordings - mix, process - you know.. production stuff.

So YAMAHA - if only this...  pretty please.. in your future top end arranger lines - at least support MULTICHANNEL AUDIO OUTPUT over USB !