SA2 Alto saxo pack problem

Started by soundphase, Jan 07, 2018, 09:45 AM

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I just downloaded it.
I installed it through YEM and "Pack installation" as usual.

But in the corresponding folder ("SA2 AltoSax_Genos"), below "Expansion", there is no sound. FunkAlto and PopAlto sounds should be there

However, the demo song is present, and it plays correctly.

Any idea ?



Hi soundphase,

The Alto sax is now in the presets. My registrations (with the same voice nos.)  were playing it out of the box. So my guess is you don't get any voice samples in the updated pack, and it will be the same for the SA2 Baritone Sax, and possibly the Tenor, although I don't have the voice nos. to compare for the latter.


Hello John

No it is OK with SA2 trombone and SA2 Tenor Saxo that are provided as native SA2 sounds. But I see the SA2 sounds in the expansion (Note : The expansion trombone is really different from the native preset one, the Tenor saxo is slightly different)

I have only the problem with the Alto Saxo.

I now have P1 and P2 tabs fully filled with expansions, and SA2 AltoSax_Genos is just the last one in the P2 tab.

I already tried to reload my pack twice. I will now try to regenerate it through YEM.



Bill in an earlier post had reported no voices with Alto sax,,42246.msg333291.html#msg333291

Yes  the Trombone is a different voice, and I was unsure about the Tenor pack, until you advised that voice samples are included. Since there is now plenty of free expansion memory I might as well install it and see how different it is from the native :).


I just updated the other thread with confirmation that there is a bug on the Alto Sax package.

They are free if you already bought them. So effectlively, it's worth downloading them.

They are good sounds.


SA2 Tenor saxo for the expansion, and for the preset are very very similar.

Trombone is far more different.


I can see from your post in the other thread (thanks) that the voice nos. for the Tenors are different even though their sounds are similar. As far as the Alto is concerned the presets include the Funk Alto (and BigBand Alto with rather too much vibrato! ) so there may be no gain in reinstalling the Altos even if you get the samples.


The tenor saxos are quite the same too. The preset one has 3 articulations, the expansion ones have 2 only.
But I suspect only reverb is different.

Nevertheless, they have not the same numbers.


Here is the answer from Yamaha

We received a reply from our developers regarding this issue.  Here is what we found out regarding the SA2 Alto Sax pack:

No voice data is included because the Genos includes the S.Art2 Alto Sax voices internally,  The SME data for the pack just includes regist and midi song data.  The sounds are already part of the keyboard.

(next month's release of SA2 BaritoneSax is same situation)

I hope this information helps clarify the situation with this pack.  Please let us know if you need any further assistance.

On the web site, it is indicated "includes 2 voices".

Not very funny for Genos owners who pay their package ....



I have sent a further Email to them as shown below.

They are not the quickest to reply though.


Hi Thomas
Thank you for the reply. You have only confirmed what I had originally said. My point is that you are STILL charging £22.99 for the Genos pack.
£23 for a demo is not on. You should instruct your advertising team to remove the GENOS Pack from sale.

Anyone that has not previously purchased the Pack will simply think they are getting additional voices.




Hi All

Just for info - latest reply from Yamaha on the SA2 Alto Sax Exp. Pack.

Hi Bill,

Thanks for your feedback.  I agree that the price is high for this content without the voices.  I'll forward your feedback to our developers for review.

Kind Regards,


JohnS (Ugawoga)

The Sa 2 Tenor and Alto saxes are different .
They use the articulations more,especially holding a note and playing a higher note
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

JohnS (Ugawoga)

No saxes in the alto sax pack. I can confirm that.
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.


As everyone mentioned, Yamaha has specifically said that the Alto-sax voices are now presets and that the upgraded pack does not include voices anymore