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sync start

Started by Georgejohn, Jun 11, 2018, 08:33 PM

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On the main display configuration my keyboard is displaying a note =EXT.
I believe it should have number of bar beats instead.
not sure what happened but my sync start button lights up then shuts off
Any help would be appreciated



Hi George,

This happens when the MIDI clock setting has been set to use an external source (another keyboard or a computer for example) for it's timing signals.

The 'EXT' in the display is indicating 'External', and the keyboard will be waiting for MIDI clock signals from one of the MIDI ports to synchronise with, and run styles, multi pads and MIDI songs.  If there is no timing signal present at that port, then the keyboard won't start any of the latter.

Normally the MIDI clock is set to 'Internal' which means that it uses the keyboard's own timing clock to run the styles etc.

This setting can't be changed by a MIDI song, style or registration, so I assume that you have been into the MIDI Template menu and changed it, either knowingly or accidentally.

Unless you want to use a specific MIDI setup, the simplest way to restore things is to press FUNCTION > MIDI > Tab to PRESET if necessary, and select the 'ALL PARTS' template (A button).  This template has the clock set to 'INTERNAL' and your keyboard should then behave 'normally'.





Thank you for that quick reply....

And yes I was fooling around with the keyboard???....not happy with the piano sounds !!!!
Guess best to watch what I'm doing  ;D

Thanks again

George :)