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Fade facility

Started by Audrey Turner, Jun 05, 2018, 12:43 AM

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Audrey Turner

Does anyone know where the FADE button/icon is on the Genos?  I use this quite a lot but to date, have been unable to find it.

Thanks - Audrey Turner

Fred Smith

You need to assign it.

Pick whatever button you want (I use the Rotary SP button), then go through the assignment menu.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I use Button F for Fade. Hold down the button you want to assign it to and press direct access .Use the wheel to scroll through until you find Fade. Make sure you have a tick in assignable buttons.

Lee Batchelor

Audrey, Yamaha removed that VERY convenient button on the Genos. They also ditched the Metronome button. Wish they had asked me first :(!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Jun 05, 2018, 02:37 AM
Audrey, Yamaha removed that VERY convenient button on the Genos. They also ditched the Metronome button. Wish they had asked me first :(!

Hi Lee,
"Wish they had asked me first :(!"  I enjoy there is humor on this site. You can assign the rotary button to fade-out, (which I have done as I do not use rotary speakers) but  just as the the MIC/VC setting it will go away when power is cycled. At least on my Genos that is the case.

You must put it into a reg to keep it. 

That is why I keep saying you cannot just switch  on the Genos, choose a style and a voice and start playing, to which an administrator answers I keep making untrue statements. Strictly speaking the gentleman is right, you can start playing, but the instrument is not what you want it to ALWAYS be and you must go to registration banks to get it to be what you want it to be, which of course you can, but I call that  "a way around the problem"  that should not be necessary on the best keyboard ever. What  I believe YAMAHA  really should do is put a lot more things into the reg lock list and make everything there be permanent even after a power  cycling.



Quote from: EileenL on Jun 05, 2018, 01:37 AM
I use Button F for Fade. Hold down the button you want to assign it to and press direct access .Use the wheel to scroll through until you find Fade. Make sure you have a tick in assignable buttons.

I too use the F button for fade.

Lee Batchelor

Quote from: stephenm52 on Jun 07, 2018, 06:13 PM
I too use the F button for fade.

Me too, but we shouldn't have to. The fade button on the T5 worked great! Same with the metronome button. I use it a lot when preparing Registrations for major shows. Assignable buttons should be left for the less commonly used functions.
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Jun 07, 2018, 09:20 PM
Me too, but we shouldn't have to. The fade button on the T5 worked great! Same with the metronome button. I use it a lot when preparing Registrations for major shows. Assignable buttons should be left for the less commonly used functions.

There certainly is enough space to have added those 2 buttons, sometimes you just have to wonder what the designers are thinking? 

Lee Batchelor

I honestly believe it is the goal of all designers to change things for the sake of change, rather than for what most users want.

I teach about human factors at the college level and have concluded that so many code writers, engineers, and developers have no clue about how people think. Let's face it, to be able to design highly complex devices and computer code, you're not the average person walking around texting until your thumbs are an inch shorter. Your mind is hard wired for a specific task - a task that 99 percent of us can't do. Those minds don't think like the average person. Worse, they assume everyone thinks just like them. If companies would take a few bucks and spend it on usability testing with the correct audience, we'd all be a lot happier. Instead, the attitude today is, "Design it the way you want. If people don't like it, they can suck it up." Things never used to be that way before this high-tech world stripped us of our humanity. No wonder kids today can't even sign their name!

Sorry about the rambling, folks :)!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Of course with any new keyboard there is always a small learning curve. So many people wanted a touch screen so it was obvious that things would be in different places but with this change came the beauty of being able to assign things to different parts of the keyboard and bottom of screen thus letting us find things more quickly. OK we will always find things that we think would have been better but that's life I guess.


Quote from: Kaarlo von Freymann on Jun 07, 2018, 03:55 PMI call that  "a way around the problem" 

I'd call it the 'standard way of working' and it's one that I (and a lot of my professional organist colleagues and friends) have been using for years - long before keyboards were thought about. I go back so far in this business that we didn't even have User Memories. Hand setting everything for every tune in a two hour concert took some hard work, and skilful, very fast hand moves!

While in an ideal world you would be able to store a personalised 'startup' setting and have it load automatically when you switch on (and of course it's been requested by me and many others at meetings with Yamaha staff over many years!) the fact is that it isn't available. It's also a fact that if you personalise everything you need, save it to one memory button and save that bank of 1 setting as something like "AAA BLANK", it's gettable in three button pushes on S and T class keyboards - and that takes all of two seconds, possibly less. I haven't counted the number of screen touches on a Genos - I'll check later.

You then also use that startup setting as the basis for all of your registration banks, knowing that all the settings and adjustments you like will be carried forward as required.

Bottom line? If enough people wanted it, Yamaha could, and probably would, put it in. The fact that they haven't says something about that. And when the 'work around' is so quick and easy, and 'transportable' between keyboards via USB stick, I personally don't think it's an 'essential'. I certainly don't miss it.

It's not what you play, it's not how you play. It's the fact that you're playing that counts.


And that's where Genos 2 comes in handy. Yamaha is no doubt looking very intently at this forum as well as other Yamaha arranger keyboard forums in order to determine how Genos owners are reacting to their new keyboard. The missing fade in/fade out button on the front panel is one example. Thank goodness for the assignable button feature although many people do miss the former layout where the fade in/fade out button was obviously included on all previous Tyros models. Hence we now have a thread dedicated to the topic at hand. I suppose if enough people gave their input on this and other issues then Yamaha might change course when it comes to the Genos 2. I would certainly welcome it as indeed many others no doubt would too.

As it stands now we obviously have a workaround but in so doing it can potentially disable another feature currently on the Genos as is the case when assigning the fade in/fade out function to the Rotary Speed button which is what I did actually. In my case I'm using a Yamaha FC7 expression pedal to operate the rotary speed function. I reckon that's one way for Yamaha to sell more FC7 pedals huh.  ;)

By the way, I got a call in to Yamaha and they're supposed to get back with me today regarding an issue I'm having with my custom start up registration that won't save my vocal harmony setting anymore. It used to work fine until I did a factory reset (just the System) only. I'm either overlooking something (not sure what that would be since I scoured both the User manual and Reference manual and even the internet) or Yamaha could already be well aware of the situation and OS firmware update 1.40 is right around the corner. ;D In the meantime I'll wait and see what Yamaha has to say and report back if the problem still exists after talking to them.



Quote from: andyg on Jun 08, 2018, 01:10 PM
While in an ideal world you would be able to store a personalised 'startup' setting and have it load automatically when you switch on

I believe, that Yamaha does not use this for a good reason:

* When you can store a startup setup that is loaded automatically, then for sure, some users will store some settings they don't like, and then call the support, that their Genos is out of order.

* So now, after switching the Genos on, you ALWAYS have the standard piano voice playable for the whole keybed. So any user that may have gotten confused, can restart the engine and everything is ok again.

(I had this situation when I played on a new keboard in a dark room without knowing all buttons. After restart, everything worked fine again.)

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D

Kaarlo von Freymann

Quote from: Lee Batchelor on Jun 07, 2018, 11:16 PM
I honestly believe it is the goal of all designers to change things for the sake of change, rather than for what most users many code writers, engineers, and developers have no clue about how people think.
Let's face it, to be able to design highly complex devices and computer code, you're not the average person walking around texting until your thumbs are an inch shorter.  :D ;D ;DYour mind is hard wired for a specific task - a task that 99 percent of us can't do. Those minds don't think like the average person. Worse, they assume everyone thinks just like them.
If companies would take a few bucks and spend it on usability testing with the correct audience, we'd all be a lot happier. Instead, the attitude today is,
"Design it the way you want. If people don't like it, they can suck it up."
Things never used to be that way before this high-tech world stripped us of our humanity. No wonder kids today can't even sign their name!

Sorry about the rambling, folks :)!

Dear Lee,
We have exchanged some private mails so I knew you are very knowledgeable in addition to having a great sense of humor and the guts to call "political correctness"  what it is, b.....t.
Let me try to imitate Donald Trump,   "I know Lee, he is great, I love him.  His postings are the greatest, believe me it's true........he's the greatest. And America is with me when I say so."



Lee Batchelor

Many thanks, Kaarlo (LOL)!
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.