Style for Lionel Ritchie, Hello

Started by Kenneve, May 31, 2018, 09:48 PM

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Hi Guys
Has anyone got a style for the Lionel Ritchie song, 'Hello'
Many thanks in advance.


I found one Kenneve

[attachment deleted by admin]
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Roger Brenizer

I've attached 3 more styles for you to try, Kenneve.  :)

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Hi Roger and Panos, many thanks for your help on this one.
Roger, I note from your details that you play the Electone HS-8.
I started playing music rather late in life and I recall many years ago I trying to get to grips with our HS-6, probably in my late 50's.
However I found that my brain, would simply not allow me do three things at once, ie both keyboards and the pedals.
The keyboards were fine but the pedals.......?????????
Hence my move to the CVP range, first with the CVP92 and now with the CVP605PE
Thanks again for your help.


Re my previous post, I should have late 80's, yes definitely a brain problem. :) :)


Thanks Roger for sharing,
have a nice weekend,

Halesowen Kid
