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PSR EW400 vs. PSR E453 - keybed issue

Started by vbdx66, May 05, 2018, 11:36 PM

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Hello to all,

This afternoon I finally managed to go to a music shop to try the PSR E453 by myself and I was very disappointed by its quality build in general and keybed in particular, even if on paper the specs are impressive.
Playing now on the DGX 650, I don't think I could bear the PSR E453 keybed very long. To be honest I am unsure if I dislike the touch of the PSR E453 because the keybed of the older PSR E433 was really better, of because my expectations are now higher after having played the DGX 650 for two years.

For those of you who tried both the PSR E453 and EW400, I was wondering whether, apart from the number of keys of course, the keybed of the PSR EW400 is better than the keybed of the PSR E453?

Unfortunately, they didn't have the PSR EW400 or its successor the PSR EW410 in this shop, so I couldn't compare both keyboards.

Best Regards,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


I have a YPT-400 (a.k.a. PSR-E403), a PSR-E433, a PSR-E443, and a PSR-EW400. To be honest, I can't tell much, if any, diiference between their keybeds. That's not to say that there are no differences, but to me any differences are so slight as to be more or less inconsequential.

Furthermore, I suspect that you're likely to find some variation between different keyboards of the same model, because a keyboard that starts out with a "tight" feel to the keybed may loosen up over time as it's played. And even though assembly lines try to achieve a sameness between every finished product that rolls off of the factory floor, there are almost always small-- and sometimes large-- variations in the finished products.


Hello Michael and thanks for your input.

Well, it does not dove the question but it means I have to try the PSR EW400 before buying it. I will check if it is available in any music store not too far from here.

Best Regards,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.


Thanks for this post ma'am. Well, that was the same level of frustation in me, when I first got my hands on E453. But actually I had no other options, because it is still superior to every KB in its price bracket.

Sir Michael,
I have not had my hands on EW400, but this video says that it has got a different and BETTER keybed than E453. Most probably the one that existed earlier in E-Series keyboards. So I believe it definitely has this edge over E453.


Hello Sir,

Thank you very much for your input.

As I know see it, the only options I have is trying to find a music shop where I could try the PSR EW400 (or EW410) myself, buy an used PSR E433 or wait until I can buy a higher-end portable keyboard.

In the meantime I can play my DGX 650 which I like very much. What I am really missing from the PSR E4xx and EW4xx is the portability and the possibility to mute the accompaniment tracks but I can play without this feature.

Best Regards,

Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.