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S970 & Genos guides on Youtube

Started by lilchris, May 08, 2018, 02:17 AM

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Hi  there, There are some fantastic PSR S970 instruction guides for the PSR S970 and now also the Genos by Alois Muller,  the only trouble is they are in german. I have tried using the subtitles but they do not always work. Anybody know a way round this apart from learning german. Here is a sample to wet your appitite....

If I am not allowed to post links I appologise in advance.


Totally agree.

Alois does a great job and has taught me a lot about the S970.

The language barrier though is very frustrating and the subtitles are not quite spot on.

Guess I'll just have to start my German lessons !



I agree the vids are excellent - we have no vids in English that are this comprehensive.

I also use the subtitles but have the same issues in terms of understanding at times, the subtitles will not translate accurately as Alois speaks in a dialect of German, but perhaps if we all subscribe to his channel & each ask him for a translation into English, maybe he / a friend will help us?

Best wishes,



Hi everyone

I too find it hard to follow. I even try following his movement and button press but still non the wiser.
May Taffinator is right we should request a English version.
I watch all of Alois Muller Workshop if only it was in other language we could all learn from it.
