S970 Style Recommendation for Piano Man?

Started by Jamist, Apr 23, 2018, 05:02 AM

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This ones always frustrated me.  There doesn't seem to be a good solid rock-ish rhythm style around that's written in 3/4. 

Any ideas?


I'm away from the keyboard, but I'm thinking I use the 9/8 style.  I don't remember which category it's in, but give it a try.


I too am not near the keyboard, but if I recall, I used the Jazz Waltz stye. I'll check it out tomorrow morning.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Just checked my keyboard and I use the Jazz Waltz Med with a tempo of 150, B variation.

Hope this helps,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Thanks, guys!  I'll give them a try.

Bruce Breen

For many years I have used the Acoustic Ballad style found on my PSR-2100, and my favourite piano sound.

Then when I got my PSR-S950 about 2 years ago and found that it was no longer there.
So I copied the PSR-2100 style to the S950, but didn't really like how it played on the S950...

But thanks to Onocamus I have it again - and it is tweaked for my S950!
(His wonderful style collections are on the main PSR Tutorial site. Under Styles-collections-Onocamus)

Here is his style that I use now...(I'm not even sure if it is SFF1 or SFF2, I just know it works for me).
I think the Intro II is exactly made for this song (but double check Intro III as well).

If this one doesn't quite sound right on your S970, he has the same 'older' styles tweaked for your keyboard posted on the site as well (look for this style in one of the Ballad folders in his many collections).

Have fun!

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Bruce Breen
playing a PSR-S950, PSR-2100 & Piano Accordion


Here is another style you can try

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Current Keyboards: Yamaha Genos


Yet another . . .

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