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Analogue pedals onto a Tyros?

Started by TractorGirl, May 05, 2018, 11:25 PM

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Hi all, I've recently become the proud owner of a Tyros 5, and I'm pretty blown away by what it can do compared to my previous 40 yr old GEM organ! But.....can anyone tell me if I can attach the old analogue pedals to my new keyboard?
Ps I should add I'm not electronically minded in any way whatsoever!


You need Midi pedals for most Tyros keyboards I have not heard of anyone using analogue ones.

Jean-Pierre 33

Hello TractorGirl,

Of the pedals used on Tyros only the pedal Yamaha FC7 (which is a pedal expression) can be considered analog because it has a specific potentiometer that manages the output audio level.

The other FC5 and FC4A Yamaha pedals only have one touch and could be replaced by a simple electric bell button. :)

The FC4A just has a more powerful return spring and a massive push button like on the pianos but still a simple touch on the inside.

All this to tell you that all pedals with a single touch can be used on a Tyros or Genos except the specific expression pedal FC7 to be purchased from Yamaha.

Now Yamaha also offers the MFC10 pedal that can handle a lot of parameters. It is not analog because it works in Midi mode and connects to a Midi port of Tyros or Genos.

Best regards

Jean-Pierre 33


Hello TractorGirl,
  I was assuming you were referring to Bass Pedals for organ style playing.


Hi, thanks everyone for your help, the pedals are a 32 bass pedal board from my old GEM organ, I didn't want to get rid of them if there was anyway I could use them, new ones are so expensive!

Jean-Pierre 33


We had to specify that it was a bass pedal. Eileen was presiding.

If your pedal runs in "Midi" mode it should perhaps be reusable if there are bass pedals like the model type Studiologic MP-117 Midi Bass Pedal that work in Midi mode and worth nearly 500 € in France.

There are also used bass pedals on e Bay like Korg MPK-130 midi bass / controler pedal board.
Your dealer should be able to provide you with information.

Best regards

Jean-Pierre 33


Hi trackorgirl
You can use the base pedals but you have to convert to midi l use c el70 organ pedals which I converted
But not I easy task I used a andrino board and worked out matric of.  The Pedals and programmed the board  cost about £30  all can be found on YouTube  if you can find some one to do it for you
