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Style Suggestion

Started by SandeepSaxena, May 02, 2018, 08:22 PM

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Hello forum members

I'm preparing a Bollywood song for a show..

Here is the link to the youtube audio

I'm using PSR 970. Would like recommendations/suggestions on what style & tempo I could use for this song.




Hi SandeepSaxena,
I don't know about Indian music,but the melody sounds more latin than indian.
Try the Calypso and Parranda styles in latin folder
and Laff style in World folder.
If you could mix those styles maybe they would fit to the song.
I upload also the Updance(indian) style.
You can try different drunkits and different organs for this style.

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Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Thank you very much. Will definitely try out your suggestions...


Quote from: panos on May 02, 2018, 09:31 PM
Hi SandeepSaxena,
I don't know about Indian music,but the melody sounds more latin than indian.
Try the Calypso and Parranda styles in latin folder
and Laff style in World folder.
If you could mix those styles maybe they would fit to the song.
I upload also the Updance(indian) style.
You can try different drunkits and different organs for this style.

Hi Panos,

All 3 suggestions Calypso, Parranda and Laff were great.

I'm exploring Laff with Congo Bongo 1 PAD.

Sounds good. Thank you very much..


Thank you my friend.
I sometimes like to use this tool to find the tempo of a song rather than the tempo button of our keyboards..
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Once I found a close tempo to the song I go to my keyboard, press the direct access button plus tempo+ button and lock the tempo.
Then I try different styles while I hear the song playing on youtube to see what may fit to that rhythm.
Especially for the drums,you just press play and doesn't even have to know the chords, you can hear the drums if they fit or not.
You can make little adjustments "+" and "-" when the tempo is off beat.
The songs are not recorded at exact e.g 102 or 103 tempo and their real exact tempo may be 102.68, so after some bars you have to adjust the tempo of the keyboard again.

Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Panos, thanks for you tip on setting tempo and maintaining the tempo when trying another style.
I had a go using direct access and tempo+ button and it took me to the function page but then I got lost trying to work out which parameter I need to set to lock tempo.
Any further advice can you give me please?
tyros 4.


Quote from: panos on May 03, 2018, 08:48 AM
Thank you my friend.
I sometimes like to use this tool to find the tempo of a song rather than the tempo button of our keyboards..
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Once I found a close tempo to the song I go to my keyboard, press the direct access button plus tempo+ button and lock the tempo.
Then I try different styles while I hear the song playing on youtube to see what may fit to that rhythm.
Especially for the drums,you just press play and doesn't even have to know the chords, you can hear the drums if they fit or not.
You can make little adjustments "+" and "-" when the tempo is off beat.
The songs are not recorded at exact e.g 102 or 103 tempo and their real exact tempo may be 102.68, so after some bars you have to adjust the tempo of the keyboard again.

Thanks Panos. Will check this tool out.
BTW you had mentioned something about mixing styles. I'm curious to learn how to mix styles. Like for example if I wanted to mix the Laff style with the Calypso congo/bongo style. What software would I use ?
Stylemagic ?


For tyros 4 use the "TEMPO HOLD" function of style change behavior.
Pages 36-37 of the manual I have uploaded.

Style Creator - Assembly tab for mixing parts from different styles very very easilly and create a new style on your own.

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Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Thanks Panos, I got there in the end thanks to your instruction and book.


Quote from: panos on May 03, 2018, 06:29 PM
For tyros 4 use the "TEMPO HOLD" function of style change behavior.
Pages 36-37 of the manual I have uploaded.

Style Creator - Assembly tab for mixing parts from different styles very very easilly and create a new style on your own.

Thanks Panos. Will check that out in the evening..