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Can anyone confirm this (Genos reads out loud)?

Started by XeeniX, May 01, 2018, 03:29 PM

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Toril S

Hi Peter! If this voice guide don't read the chosen style, how can someone dependent on it know witch style is chosen? It is so true that people who make these programs don't really know how important it is that all info be read! Another thing: There should be a dedicated port for an earpiece, - when gigging you don't want the audience to hear the voice guide! This is a step in the right direction, but I fear it is far from perfect at this date. On older keyboards with buttons you could always memorize where the styles were and just press buttons without using the screen. That is how I navigated my 2100. A Genos without voice guide is not usable for someone without eyesight, and that worries me a lot. I hope they get the voice guide right! There are a great number of musicians out there who are visually impaired, and I don't want us to have to go back to just playing an acoustic piano because the keyboards are off limit! I hope the best!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Quote from: zionip on Jun 20, 2018, 12:49 AM
Hi Peter,

My eyesight is not very good, so I attached a 24-inch LCD monitor with 1920x1080 resolution to Genos so I can see the Genos screen more clearly (I am showing a 21.5-inch Dell LCD monitor in the following photo, a 24-inch LCD monitor is slightly bigger):

With a 24-inch (or even larger size, like 27-inch, up to 32-inch) external monitor and voice guide, I think you will feel more comfortable in operating Genos.

The 24-inch LCD monitor rests on Genos music stand steadily without issues.  If you want to use 32-inch LCD monitor / TV with Genos, you will need to remove the Genos music stand, and put the big LCD monitor on a separate floor standing heavy duty music stand right behind Genos.



Just out of interest - where do you rest your music? The music stand looks to be a bit full!



Quote from: Toril S on Jun 20, 2018, 06:16 AM
Hi Peter! If this voice guide don't read the chosen style, how can someone dependent on it know witch style is chosen? It is so true that people who make these programs don't really know how important it is that all info be read! Another thing: There should be a dedicated port for an earpiece, - when gigging you don't want the audience to hear the voice guide! This is a step in the right direction, but I fear it is far from perfect at this date. On older keyboards with buttons you could always memorize where the styles were and just press buttons without using the screen. That is how I navigated my 2100. A Genos without voice guide is not usable for someone without eyesight, and that worries me a lot. I hope they get the voice guide right! There are a great number of musicians out there who are visually impaired, and I don't want us to have to go back to just playing an acoustic piano because the keyboards are off limit! I hope the best!

Hi Toril,

I think the best option for Genos for "us" and perhaps not that far thought would be support for an external touchscreen just like smart pianist. Run the menu structure on an iPad and even the earpiece problem would be solved by simply connecting one to the iPad while making use of the voice over app on the iPad itself. These kind of iOS apps have proven themselves over the years. Why invest in reinventing a wheel when there are already wheels in almost perfect condition :) Yamaha already has experience with "outsourcing" the display to an external device. On top of that I think it might not only be useful to us but to a great number of other people now having trouble with reading the screens due to interference of external light. You can position the iPad anyway you like without the need for exotic constructions to prevent that external light from blinding the internal display of the Genos.

Guess time will tell if Yamaha is willing and/or capable or perhaps even has already explore these possible options :)

best regards,


Quote from: alanclare on Jun 20, 2018, 06:28 AM

Just out of interest - where do you rest your music? The music stand looks to be a bit full!


Hi Alan,

My Genos music stand is currently dedicated to a 24-inch LCD monitor.

I use Songbook+, sometimes just Google Drive, on a 12.9 inch ipad pro mounted on tablet holder with a 20-inch goose neck for my music score when I need it:

Here is a short video demonstrating how to put an iPad Pro 12.9 on to the Bestek 2-in-1 Upgraded Gooseneck Tablet Holder Mount clamped to the back of a Yamaha L-7B keyboard stand supporting a Genos:
