yamaha expansion manager - no sound on computer

Started by filoaman, Apr 25, 2018, 09:12 PM

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I didn't find a place to post a question about YEM so I post it here.
If this is not the appropriate place please move it.

Well, my problem is that i can't get sound on my computer from YEM.  >:(
I'm trying to create some new sounds using .wav files. I'm able to import them and do all the necessary adjustments but i can't here a preview. I try the "preferences" icon and i found that you can select the midi input and the audio output. I'm able to select the midi input and i can see the indicator flashing so i'm sure that when i play on the keyboard i send note messages to my computer.
But although I select the appropriate sound card i do not get any sound.
After closing the small window my selection desapear. If i click again the "preferences" icon I can see that the midi input selection i made is still there but the sound card not. In any case even if i select again the sound card I get no sound.
Please note that my computer sound card works perfectly with other applications so answers like "oh... you have to check you sound card" doesn't count.

Any idea?



Do you have a Midi keyboard connected to YEM?
The easiest way to ensure that noise/sound is coming from the device,
it's to click and hit some notes with your mouse on the pianoroll (Keyboard) in YEM.
If you hear any sound when playing with the mouse, then it's probably your Midi keyboard= not compatible with YEM.

Regards, Jan.


Finally it was a strange conflict. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of YEM or a conflict in my computer.
Although I ask the Win10 installation to be in English for some strange reason many of the components of my PC have names in my native language.... Maybe Microsoft decide (for my good af course and because they decide I'm not intelligent enough to choose the language i want for my OS...) that since my IP comes from a certain country they have to name by force some components in my Native language!
My native language contain characters outside the standard Latin code, so the name on my SoundCard in the YEM was something like this "??;"|???" since it looks that YEM is NOT capable to handle Non-Latin characters!
I was unable to change the name of the SoundCard but I install ASIO4ALL and I choose as audio output on the "preferences" the ASIO4ALL drivers instead my SoundCard.
This little trick solve my problem....

I had already mention that the MIDI input was working perfect since i was able to select it (Tyros or another small USB Keyboard i use) and see the according indicator flashing.